2-Speed Template Fan Showing 0% When Going from 50% to 100%

This seems to possibly be related to upgrading to the .8 release, but I can’t be certain. I have a 2-speed attic/whole house/ventilation fan that I setup with 2 relays to run it at ‘high’ speed (100%) and ‘low’ speed (50%) using a Shelly Plus 2PM (I would have used ESPHome, but alas, the Shelly Plus don’t seem to have an ESPHome config that also allows you to also use them as a BT Proxy, which I also want).

I setup a template fan a month or two ago to manage all of this and did a fair bit of testing through every possible scenario (both on my bench and installed) to make sure it all worked exactly as intended, as I particularly didn’t want it to turn on both relays simultaneously. Everything seemed to work fine at the time (this would have been back on the .6 release I believe). Fast-forward to now, and we finally get some weather where it makes sense to use, and while the fan/relays function as-intended, whenever I go from 50% to 100% speed it shows 0% speed but also ‘on’ yet is actually running at 100%. I’ve played around with the template a bit trying to get it to work again, but no luck.

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: "Attic fan"
        unique_id: attic_fan
        value_template: >
           {% if ((states('switch.attic_fan_low') == "on") or (states('switch.attic_fan_high') == "on")) %}
           {% else %}
           {% endif %}
        percentage_template: >
           {% if states('switch.switch.attic_fan_high') == "on" %}
           {% elif states('switch.attic_fan_low') == "on" %} 
           {% else %}
           {% endif %}
              - condition: template
                value_template: >-
                  {{ ((states |
                  | selectattr('state','eq','on') | list | count | int) >2)  }}
              - action: switch.turn_off
                  entity_id: switch.attic_fan_low
              - action: switch.turn_on
                  entity_id: switch.attic_fan_high
          - service: switch.turn_off
              entity_id: switch.attic_fan_low, switch.attic_fan_high
              - condition: template
                value_template: >-
                  {{ ((states |
                  | selectattr('state','eq','on') | list | count | int) >2)  }}
              - action: "switch.turn_{{ iif(percentage == 50, 'on' , 'off') }}"
                  entity_id: switch.attic_fan_low
              - action: "switch.turn_{{ iif(percentage == 100, 'on', 'off') }}"
                  entity_id: switch.attic_fan_high
        speed_count: 2

I tried adding some short delays into the set_percentage sequence and updated to the new action instead of service call with no change. I also changed the order of the actions in set_percentage thinking that there was a momentary period where both relays were off, but this also didn’t change anything. Also, in case it isn’t obvious, the if-thens are to make sure it only is operable if at least 2 windows are open.

What am I missing?

Can’t answer your question, sorry, but what did you mean by the above quote?
Bluetooth proxy in ESP should simply be a matter of adding:


to your ESPHome config file

Adding BT Proxy to the YAML causes the Shellys to crash and you have to re-flash via serial. Not saying it’s not possible, but I never found a way or anyone else who did. Guessing it’s a quirk of the specific ESP board they use.