I am on a 3 tariff time of use plan with my energy provider.
Using the Add Helper function of the HA graphical user interface, I added a utility meter with 3 tariffs.
I added an automation to select the appropriate tariff depending on the time of day.
After using the calibration service, I noticed that two of the three tariffs are incrementing their energy count at the same time even though only one is in the Accumulation mode, while the other two are in the Pause mode.
I ran the calibration service again this morning (Set Cheio to 2259, and Vazio to 4670), and still see two tariffs incrementing.
What could I be doing wrong? Where should I check first?
How does the calibration service work, and how should it be applied? Does it just add an offset to the meter to initialize it with the energy provider’s meter, or does it also scale to the incrementing rate of the provider’s meter?
The automation just switched to the Ponte period. The Cheio meter stopped incrementing, the Ponte meter started incrementing, but the Vazio meter continues to increment with the Ponte meter. The Vazio meter never stops incrementing even though its Status attribute says Paused.
Now that the Vazio period has started, only the Vazio meter is incrementing. Will have to wait until tomorrow morning when the next Cheio period starts, to see if the Vazio meter stops incrementing.
At 8:00 Vazio period ended, and Cheio period started. The Cheio meter started incrementing as expected, but the Vazio meter also continued incrementing.
Yes… that automation if very complex and prone to errors, please use my custom_component it will make things easier and will evenly sort this issue out.
In the readme file in GitHub I see: " Go to Service >> Integrations in the UI. Click the button with + sign on the integrations page and from the list of integrations, select ERSE ." I don’t find ERSE in the pull down list. Do I need to add that repository somewhere?
I have a Studer brand inverter for my solar PV system. My son was able to pull data from it using the Studer supplied API and the Restful Sensor integration, but the API is for accessing the cloud. Do you know of anyone that has been able to communicate locally with Studer inverters?
I am also in the market for a heat pump based sanitary water heater. Do you know of any that are locally available that have been integrated with HA?
ERSE is a custom_component that you can find through HACS
Don’t know anything about Studer Inverters better you search here in the community. Heatpump’s, better also search here for users feedback (my LG has no connectivity )
Thanks. Does your LG have dry contact input to command it to heat to a higher temp when HA commands it to, and a place to put a temperature probe for HA to monitor the temperature?
It looks like the vazio meter has stopped incrementing all of the time, but at 18:00, Ponta should have been selected and instead, Cheio stayed selected. Previously in the cost options window of the ERSE integration, I had mistakenly put the Cheio cost in the day cost field, the Vazio cost in the Vazio cost, and the Ponta cost in the Cheias, and left the last one blank. I think in the initial setup window, that last field wasn’t named so I didn’t know that I need to populate it.
On the cost options window, I’m not sure about what goes in the first field “Cost of Power (day)*” which I have left as 0 for now. Is this the day of the month that the supplier calculates the bill on?
For the energy dashboard, I am pulling inverter data from the cloud, but sometimes run into problems with dropouts. Sometimes the value comes back as “unavailable”, but sometimes as 0 which can really mess up the calculations like the Hourly PV kWh production. The Studer cloud seems to be buggy as I have similar problems with the Studer reporting web, and the Studer mobile app. I have seen others complain of similar problems with other cloud based data pulls. I tried an outlier filter, but didn’t have luck with it. Can you recommend a filter that I could try that would ignore dropouts to 0?
I Just found that I had misspelled Cheias and Ponta, so I re-ran the Utility Meter helper to correct those spelling errors. I will wait and see if the rate selection is corrected.
I ran into a problem with the Utility Meter helper. It is only creating a single meter instead of one for each tariff. When I populate the tariff field with the three tariffs separated by commas, the tariff entry is erased as soon as I click anywhere else on the Utility Meter helper window. So they are likely also erasing when I click the submit button.
My Portuguese is very poor and limited. But this could be a good opportunity to improve several things at the same time. Thanks for the link. On your recommendation, I have joined the group and have already found it to be very useful.