2 Unknown devices connected to my zigbee mesh

Hello there !

Juste new on the forum but i follow haos and zigbee devices since years !
But today something really strange happened : I have a few zigbee devices at home (mostly from ikea) with integrations and such. But while adding a connected socket i just spotted two new devices in zigbee2mqtt list, which i’m sure i never possessed.

I firstly thought that while adding a device (i add or reconnect some quite regularly), maybe a neighboor juste happened to do the same, but i can’t know when they have been registered. The last seen date from 2 weeks ago and i’m pretty sure (okay, maybe 70% sure) i didn’t sync any device since a month.

My question are the following : Should i just blacklist them or remake a whole mesh ?

From what i understand from zigbee protocol an added device have private keys of the whole and is able to receive and send commands. It is really the case ?
I don’t really believe a hacker suddenly got into my mesh, but if it was the case and my assumption were true, i guess i should consider the mesh as compromised.

Additional question : If the previous guesses are correct, is there a way to rebuild and reconnect all devices in a easier way than resetting everything, and adding all 22 devices one by one ?

Thanks for your futur answers

Hi, welcome to the forum!

Have you changed the setting in z2m to not allow any new devices to be paired?
What if you simply delete those 2?

If you go to the map, you can see to which device they are paired & maybe from the LQI values, you might find a direction where they are.

Hey !

No haven’t changed the settings, still need to activate pairing manually for that. I could indeed simply delete those, but i don’t know if deleting these will be sufficient if someone had access to the private kes of the zigbee mesh.

And i can’t find them anymore since they haven’t connected since a week, and i’m in an appartment so even knowing from which direction it come from wouldn’t help much sadly

I meant: did you set it back after having paired your last device, even though the time slot is closed.
Which version of z2m are you running, have you checked for updates, the issues & the improvements/fixes on GH?