2 Yamaha Receiever instances on my HA home page

For some reason i have 2 identical Yamaha Receiver instances. They’re identical but don’t know why there is 2. Has anyone else seen this (or something similar)? Oddly, i only have 1 entry on my configuration.yaml file.

Which receiver. Mine has also 2, but is for the 2 zones (V675)

I have Yamaha rx-v481. What are the zones?

Your receiver has two zones, you can have normal Zone A and run Zone B out on the patio or another room. Sometimes they can play different sources/volume ect. sometimes they are tied together.

When not used for two locations zones can also be used for bi-amping.

Is it possible to hide zone 2 from HA dashboard?

You can customize the entity id for that device and add “hidden: true” that will hide it from the dashboard.

     hidden: true

thank you, that did the trick.

Is it working well with HASS?