2021.11: Icon picker, device links and entity categories

Glad to see this was recognised and apologised for. :heart_eyes:

For those using Tuya devices, you should probably give ol @frenck a cheer and buy him a coffee as his herculean efforts of the last few weeks in fixing and adding support for all manner of their devices.

Just check the number of PR he completed for Tuya since last release. Pull requests Ā· home-assistant/core (github.com)


That would never be part of a Core release, as that is not a Core feature, but a feature of the Supervisor.
Nevertheless, that has recently added a feature to use external external data disk (using the UI).



Huh, out of all my Googling I had never seen that page. Thanks for the link.

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Only 63, no big deal :wink: EDIT: I feel like someone will take this the wrong way, it is in fact a big deal


it could be more it could be less, my github search could be out. none the less a fair few for one integration i think is a massive effort

Upgrade went smooth. Was hoping my Tuya device would appear again as it disappeared half way last month. It worked in 2021.10 but disappeared at an unknown moment :frowning:

check your logs for errors

Always do, but none :sweat: iā€™ll set it to debug and see if I can find the culprit :slight_smile: no worries :slight_smile:

Anyone else got this issue?

Logger: homeassistant.components.recorder.util
Source: components/recorder/util.py:85
Integration: Recorder (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 19:40:21 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 19:40:21

Error executing query: (MySQLdb._exceptions.OperationalError) (1054, "Unknown column 'statistics_meta.name' in 'field list'") [SQL: SELECT statistics_meta.id AS statistics_meta_id, statistics_meta.statistic_id AS statistics_meta_statistic_id, statistics_meta.source AS statistics_meta_source, statistics_meta.unit_of_measurement AS statistics_meta_unit_of_measurement, statistics_meta.has_mean AS statistics_meta_has_mean, statistics_meta.has_sum AS statistics_meta_has_sum, statistics_meta.name AS statistics_meta_name FROM statistics_meta WHERE statistics_meta.has_sum = true] (Background on this error at: https://sqlalche.me/e/14/e3q8)

Folks, I am on 2021.9.7, and want to avoid troubles with DST coming up this weekend. So I want to install 2021.10.7, and wait for all the bugs to get cleaned up in 2021.11 before migrating there. But the update option in supervisor doesnā€™t give me the 2021.10.7 option, only 2021.11.

How can I get it to update to 2021.10.7 in my situation?

Run from the SSH & Terminal add-on the following command:

ha core update --version 2021.10.7

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thank you!!

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I have Flux HACS Install to fix an issue with version 8 of the Magic Home Firmware setup.

Is this fixed on the official integration ?

I have 3 lots of Magic Home lights and only 1 is on the version 8 but its my main LEDS that I uses but the HACS install fixed it.

Originally v8 LEDS never stayed online and could not be turned on or off due to this.

I have the code below in my configuration file and its not upgraded them to the new integration in the 2021.11.0 upgradeā€¦should it have ?

  - platform: flux_led
        name: Kitchen LEDs
        protocol: 'ledenet'
        mode: rgbw
        name: Office LEDs
        protocol: 'ledenet'
        mode: rgbw
        name: Top Bedroom LEDs
        mode: rgbw  



Itā€™s database migration error :cry:

new xiaomi_miio maintenance unit_of_measurement: s

the states doesnā€™t add up?


Nooo! Why remove MSSQL support? I got DW solution with 60 million HA records build on top of that. :sweat:


after update core to 2021.11 Iā€™m missing most of my entities in the ui controlled lovelace. They are not gone but just the just not showing up rooms are missing as well. Anyone else having this problem?


The RGBW and RGBCW and RGBCCT lights should work with as long as the models in the database here:

The Flux HACS version is way behind core at this point so its probably best to remove.

Wow :star_struck: what a wonderful release full of goodiesā€¦! Icon picker is a lovely and welcomed addition. GREAT WORK EVERYBODY :gift_heart:

I lost 5 out of 7 dashboards. Tabs are there but everything is blank.