2021.12.1 entities card no button on Google speaker


Checking if this happens to anyone else. After the latest update, I am not able to see a button on my Google nest mini when added in the entities card. Here is a screenshot:

Just pay attention to the last entity (living room speaker) and then the one above (living room tv). The TV has a button to change the state but the speaker doesn’t any more. Before the latest update it had a button there.

Is this just a bug or was it intentional?


Same here.

Home Mini, Nest Mini & Lenovo Smart Clock are affected in my home. Nest Hub is not affected.

Seems that i am not the only one. Thanks for confirming, i thought that i did something wrong.
I used to use the turn on button to change the volume without saying “Ok Google” and let it appear.


It’s back in 2021.12.4