2021.12: New configuration menu, the button entity, and gorgeous area cards!

Yes, that seems common. I don’t actually have that much problem with the Configuration menu personally, but that’s how hiding attributes in a collapsed panel happened. One person proposed it, submitted the code to change it, and it added a few to hundreds of clicks per day for hundreds of thousands of Home Assistant installs. It’s nice that features can be added that easily, but it’s a bit scary when changes to the main UI that hide/reduce usability happen so easily.

I wonder if the Customization UI removal was similar or more involved. I can’t customize a lot of sensors any other way, as they don’t support unique IDs. I’m wondering if all template-sensors can be converted to the new style with unique_id’s, but for instance I know filter and rest sensors don’t support it. Have a lot of those…

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Thank you for this. Is it possible to remove/hide some of these default shortcuts?

Yes this has been built in for a while. Long press/click on the title “Home Assistant”. Press the x next to the ones you dont want.


I am seeing this error in numerous places:
TypeError: function() argument 'code' must be code, not str
Notify platform (both Alexa & Pushover) as well as Restart Home Assistant, etc., etc.

This is being tracked here home-assistant/core#61523

Updating Alexa Media Player in HACS to v3.10.15 solved the notify issue for both it and Pushover…

And strangely, Restart Home Assistant is now working…

Wonderful release, as always. :slight_smile: Thanks to everybody for all your hard work!!

I’ve ran into an issue with an “Times of the day”-binary-sensor and am wondering, if anyone else can confirm. Here’s my config:

  - platform: tod
    name: is_night
    after: sunset
    before: sunrise

Last night, the sensor wasn’t on as it always has been before the update. Have I overlooked some breaking change maybe?

This menu item is removed

I got this issue and it was because I was using Ethernet instead of WiFi on the Powerwall.

Thank you for pointing that out!! It’s now added and positioned in the middle of my side panel so I can always get to it quickly!

Not sure about real official source, we also had with custom component and it’s small adjustment

I did not know about that platform! I just added it and it’s working for me…

My config is segregated but…

binary_sensor: !include binary_sensors.yaml


  - platform: tod
    name: Early Morning
    after: sunrise
    after_offset: "-02:00"
    before: "09:00"

  - platform: tod
    name: Late Morning
    after: "10:00"
    before: "12:00"
  - platform: tod
    name: Night
    after: sunset
    before: sunrise

Thanks for checking! Perhaps I just set a second one up to test.

taking occasion after seeing you are talking about it. Mentioned by you settings has to be set for each device separately. Also each user has to set it on his own.
I suspect it was the easiest way to program, but it starts to be suboptimal while having more users. Asking every user for access to his/her mobile device is hmm awkward.
Don’t you know managing this option centrally by admin for all users regardless a device is under consideration?
Maybe there is some discussion I missed


Remove the alexa_media custom component and then the upgrade will work, I had the exact same issue and reported it on git hub. The log files don’t actually indicate this but it fixed my upgrade issue.

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It looks like you aren’t using the built-in rest integration, you’ve overridden it by copying the files into your custom_components folder and there have been changes since you’ve done this which mean your version is not compatible with 2021.12.

You either need to remove your custom version or update it to match the latest code in the official version.

Just wanted to say that I really like the new Hue integration. Enormous speed! Great!

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No, reverted to the previous version of HA. :frowning:

That sounds logical - and it was the crucial clue. Thanks very much!

That was a VERY BAD idea to move from this menu:
to this menu:

Fortunately, last week I just built a development dashboard in the style of the old settings page. :wink:
Lucky me.