2021.12: New configuration menu, the button entity, and gorgeous area cards!

Easier solution:

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Thank you for a hint.
Does it matter which type of id to use - “version 1” or “version 2”?
Also, will “212ffa0c-e750-4ed4-acda-520656662852” be a good id for automation - since by default HA uses ids of a different format?

It simply needs to be unique so either will work. The format of the example you gave is the same as what I get from Studio Core Server.

It is as simple as this: call the first one 1, the second one 2, and so on. They do not have to be uuids, just unique among your system.

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You can template the for section, that thread is outdated

Yep, I just take my alias and add underscores to them. Bam, unique_ids.


great idea :slight_smile:

Same issue here but with Sengled devices.

yep. 12.2 broke mine too

Is it just my setup but the gauges got broken in Safari? This is for the latest 2012.12.2 update. This appears to be tied to Monterey 12.1 update.

So, id may contain letters instead of digits?

Its after update from iOS 15.1 to 15.2
Before update:

after update:

it’s happening for me on Monterey 12.1 not just iOS … maybe that did it as well

On 12.0.1:

Since v2021.12.1 my Hue Integration is not working very well.
It seems that many “hue_events” are lost.
Icons and states are not published at every time.
My Hue.System itself is working very well, but home assistant seems to be unable to follow the state changes. Sometimes it works, but most time not.
Sometimes a button in home assistant is not able to turn on the light.

Any suggestions to avoid this?

Loads has been written about this. Scroll up.

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thanx, i am reading a long time but dont find anything…

Just to paraphrase, Hue got upgraded, and that introduced some unforeseen errors. So it is being actively worked on right now.

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Ah, ok, i am waiting for 2021.12.3!
Thanks for your answer.

You got Monterey 12.0.1. 12.1 is now out, update and see if you get the issue :slight_smile: