2021.12: New configuration menu, the button entity, and gorgeous area cards!

Nevermind, it probably needed some times off :slight_smile: .
As it stopped working, it started to work again.

What a reply. To suggest, that someone should develop something back to usability of the past, what has changed without any needs/request from others?

The problem and feedback would not be there, if no one had touched this. Thatā€™s it.

I think this small change is brilliant, have fallen foul of attributes changing and triggering automations when the state had remained the same in the past

However, its a shame the UI doesnā€™t support it, I thought the drive was to make Home Assistant UI first (or at least equal):

Iā€™m fine with YAML so not an issue, hope the UI is on a backlog somewhere :slight_smile:

Thanks for another interesting and useful releaseā€¦

Navigation concept Ā· home-assistant/frontend Ā· Discussion #10491 Ā· GitHub seems to be the starting point for this. Is the development is really working this way? A few people have an idea and then it gets changed directly? Is there really no other discussion or approval needed, for such breaking deteriorations.


Well the person who started the discussion is the person who was taken on to look at the UI experience, so yeah thats how it works in the discussion area on github


But where are all the needs and request for more clicks and changes in the config. Didnā€™t see any in the past. Only to change anything and think it is a good idea, is most of the time not the best idea.

Youā€™re getting way too worked up over something that can be rectified. Just setup the redirect and move on.


And the last part to make it better experience on mobile. the previous menu was terrible on a mobile device with scrolling etc, now its viewable and yes an extra click,


Nice looking update!
Lobe the new card for the areas,
Could you post some more option settings?
Since now the of button also disables my fridge :slight_smile:

List of all the yaml options canā€™t be found on the site atm am I right?

Does anyone else hates the new configuration menu?

I am looking for ideas on how to move back the supervisor (or other components) where it was before the 2021.12 upgrade?

Itā€™s just multiple clicks further away than before for no reason ā€¦ Itā€™s really a pain having to click 6 times. For what I could do in 2 before

I just canā€™t understand why you would do thisā€¦ I never had a problem with HA upgrades or changes, but this one, seriously, is ill conceived


My man, I posed a link 7 minutes ago that allows you to bring them back.


As written above. You got over 30 hearts for this. A fingerpoint, that all there donā€™t like the deteriorations.

I like the way as well, but instead of having the old level 2 navigation, I have to modify the standard and now bring 7-9 (in my case) items, which currently need daily in level 1? An option, but not the best, if the past was usable.

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out of 17k installs of this release so far, it aint many.


Iā€™m liking the UI changes, canā€™t wait to see more UI tools and functionality.

Iā€™m new to HA, so the ā€œcā€ keyboard shortcut has been my go-to for navigation.


I didnā€™t write that post, I didnā€™t get the hearts. You voiced your opinion, but now youā€™re just arguing with the wind. If you want the UI to be a certain way, get more involved in the process. Those discussions you linked to are open. Anyone can join.

Right now youā€™re just saying the same thing over and over and over again. People get it, you donā€™t like it. Youā€™ve made that clear. Maybe youā€™ll learn from this and partake in the discussions in the future before things change. Thereā€™s a new UX designer, so the UI will continue to change in the future.


You have to put it in the relation, how many of them read and write here and how many edit or use there installation. The users donā€™t need the config menu most of the time. Therefor your link to the mobile improvements is wrong as well. On mobile it is not important, because it is the usage UI, whereas we are talking about unnecessary more clicks in development UI.

If there would be an option, like admin or pro mode, without all this addition clicks, only level 2,ā€¦ As in many other software, go for it. But let the user the choice.


There are many on here who configure HA on mobile devices only, maybe read some of the forum posts/github issues when something changes or breaks in webkit, webview and the UI is unusable for them to configure HA.


Ugh, it did it again.

I quit the app and the new menu is back, Iā€™ve reset the cache again. Hopefully this time it sticks.

I have the same issue with flash, just turns of the light, also calling colorloop turns it off.

Edit: Hue service light.toggle flash turns of light Ā· Issue #61623 Ā· home-assistant/core Ā· GitHub

Fantastic - under frontend?