2021.2: Z-Wave... JS!

I was subscript you the GitHub and they are working constantly with updates and improvements. I eventually unsubscribed.
I’ve had an issue or two since the start but I’m not going back now.

I’m trying to get the same device working and I cannot get zwave-js to recognise it properly. When I got to the same point as you did, I found that you can look at the zwave log and central scene changes come from the device OK, but are not passed on as events. My node sticks at asleep and never completes the interview process and hence isn’t recognised as fully set up.

I’ve tried removing the device and re-adding but no joy - it’s always asleep and never completes the interview process event when I keep it awake.

If you manage to get it work, I’d love to know!

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I have the same thermostat. Thanks for the info on the fix timeline, I had to rollback too…

I gotta admit, I am pretty disappointed. I am on the oldest of the z-wave integrations and attempted to migrate to zwavejs.

Nothing is wrong, it is just insanely slow on a relatively small z-wave network. Right now it is talking well over 8 seconds to toggle a z-wave switch within home assistant. My motion sensors are also very delayed and so automations to turn on lights when motion is detected might occur after I’ve left the room.

Anyone else experienced this?

I tried to upgrade to Z-waveJS but it wouldn’t work at all, I had to go back to my previous legacy z-wave 1.4
I couldn’t get my system upgraded from 2021.2 because of something in my Zwave setup so I migrated to the OZWave which worked well and was then able to upgrade my HASS to 2021.2.
I will wait until ZwaveJS has a clean and clear upgrade path before I try again.

Hi I managed to get it to work, please see separate thread on this topic:

I will give that a go - many thanks for the hint

62 zwave devices here and I never thought that my zwave network would be this fast. It feels instant, there is absolutely no delay.

Really happy with ZwaveJS


You have got to be kidding me.

Yet another complete architecture change with a HA component, requiring hours for your end users to tinker, debug, and experiment. If this was a paid product, no one would buy it. I also don’t understand the justification for bolting on a Node service. So now HA is a hybrid Python/Node project? Good lord, what a mish-mashed, bloated architecture.

I stopped recommending HA to new users years ago. Now I’m completely done with this project.

Relax. The change was not by choice. Take your pitchforks elsewhere.


Enlighten me, then. What specifically limits Python from doing the same thing as Z-Wave JS? From the blog post, it seems like the choice was made because the HA implementations had gotten out of hand and Z-Wave JS was a more mature implementation. Ok, I understand, but the root problem here is a project management issue, not technical.

And now users have to deal with it in migration time and effort, running an additional service, and introducing a new attack vector into the ecosystem.

I’m no expert but from my understanding…

pyozw is no longer being developed.

ozw was being developed but got drastically stalled out by other commitments on the part of the developer.

zwavejs was actively being developed and somewhat more mature. And because it is written in js it was easier for others to jump in and help in the development of the project.

And from the pace of development it seems that the correct decision was made to move in that direction.

Any way you go you are going to have to do the same thing since pyozw is not being developed and essentially dead.

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Feel free to re-write the JS implementation in Python and keep it fully updated / supported for the rest of the community.

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What is important from the point of view of responding to @SnapETom’s diatribe is that zwave support is provided by third party software and the HA authors have to respond to what is available from the third parties.

Of course they could have said F___ it we can’t be bothered with all this 3rd party stuff withering on the vine, stuff zwave, its not worth the bother.

But they didn’t. And still you complain.


Are you referring to me or @SnapETom?

Not you @finity. Sorry if it looked like that!

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:laughing: :laughing:

I was wondering. I know I have a bit of a “reputation” but not this time! :wink:

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only looked like that because your reply was to Finity’s post…

Well hopefully we won’t hear any more from you then.


As you are leaving would you like me to disable your account and anonymise it?