2021.2: Z-Wave... JS!

What is important from the point of view of responding to @SnapETom’s diatribe is that zwave support is provided by third party software and the HA authors have to respond to what is available from the third parties.

Of course they could have said F___ it we can’t be bothered with all this 3rd party stuff withering on the vine, stuff zwave, its not worth the bother.

But they didn’t. And still you complain.


Are you referring to me or @SnapETom?

Not you @finity. Sorry if it looked like that!

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:laughing: :laughing:

I was wondering. I know I have a bit of a “reputation” but not this time! :wink:

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only looked like that because your reply was to Finity’s post…

Well hopefully we won’t hear any more from you then.


As you are leaving would you like me to disable your account and anonymise it?


The last driver (openzwave) was not written by HA, it was also written in c++, not python. That project has stalled. It stalled because no one has been able to maintain it, largely because it’s written in c++.

Zwave js is a new driver, with a few devs. Js is also a code base that many people use, so finding people to support it will be easier.


To whoever flagged @SnapETom’s post as somehow unacceptable, come on, he is entitled to his opinion.


Well, i understand this is somewhat frustrating and needs alot of Love, but thats why this is Free and community based, Open Source! and thats why comercial platforms cost money. because they have a team behind it always working on solving all the problems! I would totally understand your point if you had payed for this software, but its not the case. This is not for everyone… its for those that want to go after their dreams and have it just like they want it to be and not like comercial brands want YOU to be :sunny:
i can see from your profile that you have been on the forum since 2016 but only spent minimum hours here. if you took the time to understand whats happening here, and you had the mindset to understand what this community is building VERSUS what the comercial brands are doing to us… (making us slaves of their profits) you would give more credit.
But i can you something, im with you on other aspects, like construction, cars, and Babies! let them build it! ill pay for comercial!

Integration and you can find the token of the device with that integration

The article assumes the fob has been added and recognised which is the issue I’ve had from the started. In my case I coul never get the fob added and the node interview completed. But the zwave-js software has had changes, so I’ve ben trying to add the node again. Waking it up and asking for a node reinterview didn’t work, but removing the node from the control panel, adding it again eventually did. You seem to need to keep the device awake at the right point after adding it.

Thanks for everyones comments and suggestions

since this is about the z-wavejs, please beware and dont update to core add-on 0.1.11:

This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). The promise rejected with the reason: ZWaveError: The config has not been loaded yet!

Yep getting the same

19:22:06.425 DRIVER version 6.5.0
19:22:06.426 DRIVER
This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). The promise rejected with the reason:
ZWaveError: The config has not been loaded yet!
at ConfigManager.lookupMeter (/usr/lib/node_modules/zwave-js/node_modules/@zwave-js/config/src/ConfigManager.ts:326:10)
at ConfigManager.lookupMeterScale (/usr/lib/node_modules/zwave-js/node_modules/@zwave-js/config/src/ConfigManager.ts:342:22)
at new MeterCCReport (/usr/lib/node_modules/zwave-js/src/lib/commandclass/MeterCC.ts:559:43)
at new CommandClass (/usr/lib/node_modules/zwave-js/src/lib/commandclass/CommandClass.ts:108:13)
at new MeterCC (/usr/lib/node_modules/zwave-js/src/lib/commandclass/MeterCC.ts:340:1)
at Function.from (/usr/lib/node_modules/zwave-js/src/lib/commandclass/CommandClass.ts:331:15)
at new ApplicationCommandRequest (/usr/lib/node_modules/zwave-js/src/lib/controller/ApplicationCommandRequest.ts:88:32)
at Function.from (/usr/lib/node_modules/zwave-js/src/lib/message/Message.ts:222:15)
at Driver.serialport_onData (/usr/lib/node_modules/zwave-js/src/lib/driver/Driver.ts:1395:18)
at SerialAPIParser.emit (events.js:315:20)
[cont-finish.d] executing container finish scripts…
[cont-finish.d] done.
[s6-finish] waiting for services.
[s6-finish] sending all processes the TERM signal.

Why are you still complaining about this? Move on, it’s done.

Create a decent dashboard instead of using the auto-generated one. You will surely enjoy it far more in the long run. You can still have badges, they haven’t disappeared.

I just created an auto-generated dashboard for the sake of it, it took 5 seconds to do… and what a mess. I honestly can’t think why anyone would want to use it, unless they had maybe less than 10 devices, max.

Only to see new devices, which I subsequently add to a “proper” dashboard. And as a “catch-all” for my randomly added stuff.

The thing is, Jason was complaining about not having badges which were removed as an auto-generated item. He can still create an auto-generated dashboard, ‘take control’, then add the badges manually. It’s not hard at all.

Quite right!

No. You missed the point entirely.

It was the cover spread for a multi-page article and it looked hideous.

Also the changes will eventually allow ‘blueprints’ for the frontend.

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That sounds pretty cool