2021.2: Z-Wave... JS!

Flag away… but there is no integrity in ‘I disagree with vocalizing a different opinion, Shut Him Up!’ …why? because it’s critical and might hurt somebody’s feelings? oh noes!

Because it was a poorly made decision in a string of poorly made decisions. I’m not ready to create a dashboard. a) I’m not staying where I live. I’m not commiting to a full-build until that’s less the case. b) I’m still running Pi3/mSD because I’m not ready to commit to my pi4/SSD build. when I do that I intend to build proper. no imports, factory resets for all my devices… currently thinking about if I want to go so far as to firmware update my nortek stick… when I add new devices to my install I like to see what gets auto-added.

As far as number of devices? Yeah… sounds about right… few lights, few switches, handful of integrations… mostly media devices… I mean. I work in automation\integration and have a couple boxes of switches and outlets that I’ve collected with the intent of eventually using… but my current needs don’t justify the effort of replacing switches and outlets just to swap again when I move.

I mean… thank you for… agreeing with an apparent unpopular opinion on if there is genuine utility to it.

I’d actually like to know more? …I was under the impression that ‘taking control of Lovelace’ was irreversible and meant completely losing the auto-add feature.

It’s not about the perceived challenge. It’s about the fact that my usage is primarily geared towards being a testing platform. If I see a decent deal on a device that I can see myself using in the future I’ll buy one or three, I’ll try one out in my install, put the rest in my closet with the few dozen other devices I did the same with before. Now… aside from that… I have sensors defined in my configuration.yaml and those don’t even show up.

Hey! …who’s side you on?!

No… no, I don’t think I did and please don’t think it’s purely reactionary if I posit that you (and others) have missed my point(s). I agree. It looks hideous. No debate there what-so-ever. But it’s not a HomeAssistant problem, it’s a crap journalism problem. ‘multi-page’ moreso, an article that they had to FILL with SOMETHING and that screenshot completely did it’s job. It fills the page and it’s an active visual element that gives ‘splash’ to the page. The theme color palette adds to the effect all the same. Truth be told, if the write-up were legit they would have shown a more realistic example and having a handful of sensors at the top of the page makes for a more interesting look, same as a UI with a couple Grafana graphs or a well laid-out and feature-complete media control page. That same UI in the screenshot in the same palette without sensors would look just as ridiculous.

Also… ‘Eventually’ as in ‘Eventually™’ in the Blizzard ‘Soon™’ sense? Just saying… the rate things get roughed-in then slllloooooooowwwwly progressed on. Granted… I’m not to the point to be familiar with the nuances of the progression of the code, but the other night I took a look at the commit history and just… man… how many commits/day do y’all average?

Revolutionary thought… change things when frontend blueprints necessitate the need?

Anybody with that many devices is already due a customUI and the judgement of anybody that test drives a new controller with all their devices connected is questionable at best.

‘taking control’ is a per dashboard action so you can take control of a dashboard and within seconds create another auto generated dashboard which isn’t ‘taken control’ of. This is my point.

As for not wanting to change things due to moving house, I think you are going about it the wrong way. I started using HA while in a rental. After 1.5 years I bought a house and all I had to do was label my devices so they went into the correct locations in the new house. All my code got to remain. I’ve since expanded, but the original devices and code have stayed. Why make extra work for yourself while also holding back on using HA features?

@Sompie have you solved your issue? I’m planning an upgrade of HA to latest and greatests - but in my test lab I found that the current RFXcom doorbell push doesn’t work at all and since everything now are controlled (or restricted) through the HA GUI I’m unable to solved it (at least so far)

It is Solved