2021.3: My Oh My

So how long will it be before the “set the fan to low” doesn’t work anymore at all? The next release when the set_speed service gets removed? It already doesn’t work for other users who have switched over to the percent speed in anticipation of the service getting removed.

I guess that was the thing I was responding to. My bad.

I see no point in submitting an issue if that functionality will be removed in a month anyway. I would be surprised if the issue was even considered in light of that upcoming change and the person wasn’t told to just update their fan config to use the new code.

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What happens if you say “set the fan to 33%”? does it go to medium speed or low speed?

That shouldn’t matter. Alexa supports low medium high and they should translate

Right, it shouldn’t matter but it’s apparently not working. So I figured I’d ask to get further info for possibly why.

Because it’s a bug. I’m not sure how else to say this… it should be written up.

Alexa doesn’t understand that command.

Edit: I just tried again, it didn’t understand me correctly the first time. I just said “alexa set office fan to 32%” and it correctly turned on my fan to low. Would still very much like to be able to just say low and it translate correctly to low and not medium though. Although don’t like having to choose a percentage in Lovelace, really would like a choice to use low/medium/high like it was.

Will do when I get a chance, which probably won’t be until tomorrow.

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For the next question…

In the docs the info for the MQTT fans is still referencing a “speeds:” list and they give no warning about that being deprecated or examples of how to convert it.

Is that fan integration going to be switched to remove those options at some point as well? And we will also need to use “set fan to xx%” instead of “low” for those fans too? Or will “low” continue to work for those types of fans (even tho it still gives an entry in the logs)?

I’m confused that we’re saying it’s a bug that Alexa’s low/med/high isn’t being translated yet those same speeds have been removed from HA. Rather than translating it to the new system can’t both interfaces just use the same methods? Like was said earlier in the thread, support old speeds AND percents in HA


Your lucky to not have Node-Red installed then. Access api keys etc are encrypted using the password. if you change it they are lost. As far as I can see you have to export all your flows and re import and then enter all your keys and that is a very slow process.

What color variable is used for checkboxes in Developer Tools -> SERVICES?

It seems to be fixed to some color that I do not yet use in my theme and could not identify it from element inspector… Couln’t it be just same color as used for example for newly introduced copy to clipboard button in Developer Tools -> STATES? Would be so much easier for all of us to have some consistency, or at least every time new variable is introduced mark it in release notes?
Screenshot 2021-03-09 at 6.34.48

I never got one with node red tbh.
But you should only need to reinsert the keys into the configuration nodes. Usually there’s only a few of those.

did any of you find a fix for this?

Nope, and I just rechecked after the last update, still doesn’t work. :confused: Not sure why.

I just wonder why not more people reporting this issue?

maybe they have’t updated yet, due to known issues (ie pwned secrets)

Can you please tone down the sarcasm? Some people don’t understand that you’re being sarcastic. Thanks.

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I can understand it might be seen this way but it might be also the real reason (unless you have some measurements against this guess). For instance I posponed the update although the new ver offers new feature I’m starving to check.

It’s your primary-text-color.

As the person who added this, I didn’t choose the color; I just used the framework’s icon button.

There is a wiki in the home assistant frontend that anyone can edit; it doesn’t have a lot of stuff last time I checked, but it has potential.

PSA for anyone that don’t want to be forced to have to change any passwords. If you have the unsecure password is not dismissing problem, I believe you can just block haveibeenpwned.com via DNS. Maybe your router has an option to block this domain or you can install the adguard home add-on and block it that way. I don’t even have the samba add-on turned on and I get this annoying notification. I belive it desensitized me now to look at the notification area. But when I need to turn the samba add-on on I will use it with my unsecure password, the same great password that was popularized in Spaceballs:

Dark Helmet : So the combination is one, two, three, four, five. That’s the stupidest combination I’ve ever heard in my life! That’s the kinda thing an idiot would have on his luggage!
[President Skroob walks in.]
Skroob : What’s the combination?
Colonel Sandurz : One, two, three, four, five.
Skroob : One, two, three, four, five? That’s amazing! I’ve got the same combination on my luggage!
[Colonel Sandurz and Dark Helmet give each other a look.]
Skroob : Prepare Spaceball 1 for immediate departure!
Colonel Sandurz : Yes sir.
Skroob : And change the combination on my luggage!

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