2021.4: For our advanced users ❤️

To all that have an mqtt fan. The link to the mqtt integration is of little use.

Look instead for the https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/fan.mqtt/ documentation which the one that actually is relevant

@frenck the links to PRs and integration docs are obviously autogenerated and many of the doc links do not point to the actualy integration that was changed. Especially mqtt based integrations have doc links that point to the generic mqtt integration. In this months release besides the fan.mqtt update there is also an update to light.mqtt and probably more. I think the algoritm that creates the links need to be improved. I am trying to guess how it works and my guess is the labels that a bot adds to PRs. And that bot does a poor job I have noticed. Best would be that devs adds the name of the integration in the PRs

I should add that I am excited about the MQTT fan enhancement so I finally can have a clean implementation of speed with my MQTT based home made bedroom ventillator

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Correct, those docs are pending consolidation. MQTT is one of the few that haven’t followed that structure yet. Apologies, the system isn’t able to understand the difference. And yes, all commit/change messages are generated. Considering it are over 800 lines this release :wink:

The new analytics look awesome. Already enabled all of them. The automation debugger might convince me to give native automations another look :slight_smile:


It does not work in all cases it seems (not sure if its a bug)

with an automation included with :

packages: !include_dir_named includes/packages

Correction : it works as soon as the automation has an id set, must have missed that mandatory change. But error message is for sure confusing.

interesting. number format selector comes before date/time format selector…

But how to achieve 1234,56 ?
number formatting consists of several parts like thousands separator, decimal separator.
Those should be configurable separatelly (until you don’t want to put all possible combinations into droplist.
Such approach is not new - it does exist for 2 decades.

BTW what ‘None’ option name does mean? the droplist obviously contain combinations of both separators. None is referring to what? none spaces between thousands? no formatting - formally it doesn’t exist, it’s aleays formatted one way or another

Hmm… that error message looks incorrect, or a bug. I have automations both in the UI and in a split config, both I’m able to trace and debug.

Please be sure to report it on the issue tracker! :+1:

EDIT As noted below by @ludeeus, the automation must have a unique ID for this functionality to work.


Other than Nanoleaf, Verisure, and KNX, do any other integrations get unique ids added as of this version ?

Is the display of input_datetime helpers fixed in the logbook ?

Make sure all automations have an (unique) id set.


You are absolutely right! And I’m sure everybody would be thankful for adding it. Please do so :+1:


It would be awesome if the VSCode Home Assistant extension could have a template or autocompletion that would automaticaly invoke uuidgen (or similar command on the platform_ to automagically create and insert unique id: parameters.


I’ve lost all attribute entities in Xiaomi Air Purifier (temp, hum, aqi). I can see it as an attribute, but no entities I can use.

You are sounding like it would be something incredibly hard comparing to work already done. In fact the complexity of both approaches is the same. the only difference is that current state requires additional effort to make things right.
I wonder why so many things must be done half-way. even these trivial ones.

I just use the object_id as these can’t be duplicated either. Or did - before I removed them all to prevent deleted automations showing up in the entities list.

Guess I’ll put them back and just try to remember that I have to delete automations in two places.

Thanks for the quick responses guys !

This is once again an awesome release : during beta it already helped me to debug “automation that was not always triggering”, turns out the script triggered multiple times by that automation was in single mode, found the issue so quickly, it’s awesome !

The add-on version of VSCode does…


Why on earth would you want all the combinations?

e.g. There’s no point having a comma for a thousands separator and the decimal point. That would just be confusing.

you should ask the author. (see the screenshot from blog). but afaik, after quick research, coma for thousand separator is used in USA

anyway I’m asking for no thousands separator and coma for decimal - not possible.

BTW there are more things to consider when formatting numbers. Position of negative sign, position of percentage sign or units etc.
I doubt it’s smart to use single dropdown to cover all useable combos

Yes but it is not used as the decimal point as well, in that case.

Not all combinations are valid.

Please don’t shout without knowing what you are talking about, please. We use the formats of a language, as that is how the browser works.

doesn’t the new feature extend number formatting with formats not related to selected language?

In fact browsers give option to set all those separators independently.