I might not be an advanced enough user for this, but has anyone else seen these info loggings, (which I have never seen before):
2021-04-12 09:09:53 INFO (MainThread) [backoff] Backing off get_scenarios(...) for 0.8s (aiohttp.client_exceptions.ServerDisconnectedError: Server disconnected)
Did you solve this?
I recently have had the same issue.
Removed the integration and readd did not help.
But after that, I had to reconfigure mode and language. After that, it was fixed by magic
I love those self healing issue… not.
Thanks for the tip. I just tried this in the Dev Tools-> Template
{{ expand(group.echos) }}
and it says UndefinedError: ‘group’ is undefined
However {{expand(states.group.echos}} works without errors.
And Dev Tools-> group.echos does list out all the entity_ids in its attributes.
Wonder what else to try?
Again, thanks for your help. I just tried the expand('group.echos') in my config ( then rebooted HA). The template works, but still get the same log entry warning…Template variable warning: No first item, sequence was empty. when rendering.
Then it’s coming from the | first filter. You can probably safely ignore that warning without any repercussion. Otherwise you’ll have to check if there’s items in the list before collecting them.
Is everybody using MySQL (or maybe Maria DB) for the database? I thought since the whole Oracle thing a lot of people moved to Postgres.
When I read about something like 7 hours for a 1.x GB database I got really afraid. My database ist 54 GB (on a slow server with a Skylake Pentium but at least on a SSD) and I thougth “well one week without HA or a database reset”. But it looks like that (this time) the migration was something that was easy for PostgreSQL to do. Took only a few minutes.