2021.4: For our advanced users ❤️

I might not be an advanced enough user for this, but has anyone else seen these info loggings, (which I have never seen before):

2021-04-12 09:09:53 INFO (MainThread) [backoff] Backing off get_scenarios(...) for 0.8s (aiohttp.client_exceptions.ServerDisconnectedError: Server disconnected)

it’s there on each restart now.

Very nice to see stats of how most users uses HA.

Is there a way to see my own stats in my Configuration → Info page? For easy direct comparison against Analytics average page.

  • Number of integrations (with/without internal)
  • Number of entities
  • Number of automations

Try this in the template editor:

{%- for d in states | groupby('domain') %}
{{ d[0] }} - {{ states[d[0]] | count  }}
{%- endfor %}

More here:


That’s info, not an error

ok, edited in the message

other than correcting that, would you know what it refers to?

this is a known issues, mysql requires at least 5.7

Did you solve this?
I recently have had the same issue.
Removed the integration and readd did not help.
But after that, I had to reconfigure mode and language. After that, it was fixed by magic :smiley:
I love those self healing issue… not.

Same here. I raised the issue on Github and was told (rather rudely) to fix my template… :roll_eyes:

Can you provide a link to the github issue you raised?

don’t use the states object, just feed the entity_id to expand.

          {{ expand('group.echos') ...

Thanks for the tip. I just tried this in the Dev Tools-> Template
{{ expand(group.echos) }}
and it says UndefinedError: ‘group’ is undefined
However {{expand(states.group.echos}} works without errors.
And Dev Tools-> group.echos does list out all the entity_ids in its attributes.
Wonder what else to try?

I also have this problem and get the same error codes in the home-assistant.log file. Did you find a solution to this?

Yes, look at my example, then what you wrote. You’ll notice they don’t match. Hint: You’re missing characters.

Ah yes…thanks :slight_smile:

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I also replied on your github issue, if you don’t understand the fixes make a forum post and tag me.

Again, thanks for your help. I just tried the expand('group.echos') in my config ( then rebooted HA). The template works, but still get the same log entry warning…Template variable warning: No first item, sequence was empty. when rendering.

Then it’s coming from the | first filter. You can probably safely ignore that warning without any repercussion. Otherwise you’ll have to check if there’s items in the list before collecting them.

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I believe a fix is in the works, best to keep an eye on this thread -

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This may be more helpful:


Is everybody using MySQL (or maybe Maria DB) for the database? I thought since the whole Oracle thing a lot of people moved to Postgres.

When I read about something like 7 hours for a 1.x GB database I got really afraid. My database ist 54 GB (on a slow server with a Skylake Pentium but at least on a SSD) and I thougth “well one week without HA or a database reset”. But it looks like that (this time) the migration was something that was easy for PostgreSQL to do. Took only a few minutes.