2021.4: For our advanced users ❤️

have many secrets in packages, and none of them have errored so far…

  host: !secret asus_ip
  username: !secret asus_username
  password: !secret asus_password

# brings !secret base_url to the frontend, is set to mode_password, and hidden.....
    name: Base url
    initial: !secret base_url
    mode: password

    alias: Alarm arm home
      service: alarm_control_panel.alarm_arm_home
      entity_id: alarm_control_panel.ha_rpi4_alarm
        code: !secret ha_alarm_panel_code

  - platform: mqtt
    state_topic: !secret owntracks_boss_mqtt_topic
    name: Ot Boss Longitude
    icon: mdi:longitude
    value_template: >

  - platform: rest
    name: Ha Rpi4 config
    resource: https://homeassistant:8123/api/config
    value_template: > 
    verify_ssl: false
      - components
      - unit_system
      - config_dir
      Content-Type: application/json
      Authorization: !secret api_bearer_token
    scan_interval: 3600

  client_id: !secret spotify_client_id
  client_secret: !secret spotify_client_secret

Yes I confirm.
Unfortunately it is not related

Same here, all my automations I cant debug.

Do they have a unique ID assigned? If not, that is the issue.

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Finally over! 2.7GB MariaDB migrated over 11 hours :frowning:

:scream: omg… That’s how big my db is too

I’m on hassos latest release but i can’t find .storage dir, I can’t see the analytics opt in ,
I’m using the user I’ve created at the beginning of the first configuration ( has administrator rights) what I’m doing wrong?

But, now, once up and running, I see other issues with this upgrade:

  • deconz start is very slow. Most of entities is visible in HA within the minute after restart, but for example deconz groups are available only after 5 minutes. Also something wrong with automations using deconz; I can toggle lights from UI, I see deconz switch triggering deconz_event in developers tools, but automation triggered by this event does not run until 5 minutes after restart…
  • Very slow ZWave initiation (legacy one). it is even slower than deconz.
  • Extremely slow start of SNMP sensors. They start to report values after 10 minutes from restart. In meantime log file is flooded with error messages from templates not being able to read values from these sensors.
  • ESX integrations seems not to work, none of configured entities is available.

From what machine you ar trying to access this folder? It is hidden by default, so you might need to configure OS to display hiddnen files to access .storage. On screenshot below all dimmed folders are one that are normally hidden:

I’m having trouble with using the Automation Debugger. In the console of Chrome i see 404 errors when i open a trace. I’m running Home Assistant behind IIS reverse proxy. When i try to open the Automation Debugger without the reverse proxy it works fine.

It looks like the /api/logbook entry isn’t found.

Does anyone has an idea how to fix this?

I used secrets in:

notify.yaml (Because I have some notifications going over Pushover, so I stored my api keys in secrets)

shell_commands/pi_hole.yaml (Beacuse I have a pihole sensor that has a curl command with a credential in it)

Is there a new way to be storing things like that?

Have same issue

Those [1] and [0] in the template refer to an array element, however the value it is trying to parse is not an array, so that is the reason for the error

2021.4 has also broken my ESP32 BLE tracker.

ESPHome is fully updated, firmware fully updated (I even compiled offline, saved to disk, and flashed via ESPHome-Flasher) and I am getting disconnects from the Home Assistant API every few minutes, causing the entities to switch to “Unavailable”

[13:48:39][D][api:067]: Disconnecting Home Assistant 2021.4.0 (
[13:48:42][D][api.connection:604]: Client ‘Home Assistant 2021.4.0 (’ connected successfully!

My ESP8266 devices seem to be fine.

I see this for a long time. What I can to do?

Trim removes heading and trailing spaces from a string, strip removes formatting. So trim looks to be the correct FUNCTION

I do not know why it is referring to it as an attr, because it is not, that looks like a python environment issue since the syntax looks correct for calling str.trim()

Does this mean I can include an ‘area’ parameter in an incoming MQTT discovery topic entry to assign the entity to one ?

Thanks, I see it now :slight_smile:

After update I can’t load UI, in incognito I see:

I read somewhere that trim is used in JavaScript and strip in Python.
Anyway. How is this to solve?