2021.4: For our advanced users ❤️

Roughly 2 hours for a DB of about that size on my setup.

indeed, checked for is not none which now seems to work, and maybe could try not in ['unknown','unavailable'].

            name: >
              {% if config.entity is not none and state_attr(config.entity,'friendly_name') is not none %}
              {{state_attr(config.entity,'friendly_name').split(' sensor light level')[0]}}
              {% else %} Tbd
              {% endif %}

and only the last is working too:

{% if state_attr(config.entity,'friendly_name') is not none %}

somewhat surprising, the other 2 templates (for state: and secondary: don’t throw the error, while pertaining to the same config.entity and its attributes.

What I also just noticed, is that after saving the new template and restarting the HA instance, the same error (with the old template from before the edit) came back in the log. So we apparently need to refresh the frontend too, before a restart and have the frontend templates in Lovelace cards be loaded correctly. I even moved to the main view (which is without these templates and they still appeared, this must be a nasty cache issue)

This is the fix I’ve been using on the last two updates to get the Hue remotes working again. Has anyone figured out what’s causing this at all? I’m not sure I’m running anything weird, except maybe Portainer…

If you look at the breaking change:

So, what files outside config are you using secrets in?

I have the same issue with secrets.
Could You please define the set of files where secrets can be safely used vs those where they cannot?


answer the following question: Does the file reside in your config folder? If yes, it can use secrets. If no, it cannot.


Yes 100 secrets in 25 files.All in config directory.
Are subdirectories allowed?


I’ve no secret declarations outside of /config. /media, /backup/, /share, /addons and /ssl contain no user-defined secrets. Might there be one hiding in a non-user defined location?

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same thing over here

Verisure integration, without alarm (I only have Yale Doorman);
Getting the following error message in the log:

2021-04-08 18:00:27 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant] Error doing job: Task exception was never retrieved
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/srv/homeassistant/lib/python3.8/site-packages/homeassistant/helpers/update_coordinator.py", line 130, in _handle_refresh_interval
    await self.async_refresh()
  File "/srv/homeassistant/lib/python3.8/site-packages/homeassistant/helpers/update_coordinator.py", line 161, in async_refresh
    await self._async_refresh(log_failures=True)
  File "/srv/homeassistant/lib/python3.8/site-packages/homeassistant/helpers/update_coordinator.py", line 235, in _async_refresh
  File "/srv/homeassistant/lib/python3.8/site-packages/homeassistant/components/verisure/alarm_control_panel.py", line 115, in _handle_coordinator_update
    self._changed_by = self.coordinator.data["alarm"]["name"]
KeyError: 'name'

(10 minutres later):
I removed the errors by disabling/deactivating the entity "alarm_control_panel.verisure_alarm"

2021-04-08 18:07:23 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.hassio] Error loading /config/configuration.yaml: Secrets not supported in this YAML file

In configuration.yaml?

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What is the difference between Core and Container?

Core runs in a python environment.
Container is core with a wrapper around it that runs in a docker container.


I think I found the secrets issue at least in my case.
I removed a couple of secrets present in a package (directory packages) and used in a script in that package.

I will now try to readd them just to 2check
@GaryK maybe same issue?

I haven’t installed any packages. Just custom components and hacs.

I followed your lead.Deleted my +8gb home-assistant_v2.db file for a clean start on history.
Deleted home-assistant_v2.db using SAMBA share. Restarted HA, then updated to core-2021.4.0.

It updated and restarted real fast since it didn’t have to chew on 8 gigabytes of data that is not critical to me. So far so good.
Thanks HA team!

For the record: my database migration (13GB hosted on remote raspberry pi 4 running MariaDB) finished in 7 hours. After that finished, everything seems to be working fine.

There were several complaints from the family about the downtime :joy:

Yes. Would love to know how long as well. My MariaDB is 14GB.

What are you storing in there that you need?
14gb is a lot of data