2021.4: For our advanced users ❤️

I really like this release, but I am missing the analytics thing completely. I am using Home-Assistant Core (2021.4.0) and have no entry under “Settings --> General” :frowning: What do I miss?

For now you need to be logged in with the owner account.

So for me integration is broken, coz using YAML configuration, sensors were generated automatically.

If this was an answer to my post: I am logged in as the owner …

Same here, I’m also logged in as the owner and no analytics options in General Settings

Ctrl-F5? Caching sometimes makes these things not appear for me initially.

it is called a breaking change right? also i never had those sensors automatically generated mine were always templates

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Good to know, thanks! So, I still think we should tell users in the docs what the process and expected behavior is?

You were correct in thinking I was using a battery-powered device.

My mistake, You are right… found it. :blush:

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The new Supervisor integration is quite nice, I’ll use it to track updates for HA and it’s add-ons, however, it seems to be missing a service (and entities) for the Supervisor itself. Am I overlooking something?

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Great update! :clap:
Does anyone know how often the new supervisor sensors get updated?
Also, are there any plans to expose the RAM/CPU usage for each add-on as sensors?

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Once an hour. No one has looked into system stats yet but that would change the performance impact of the integration so that would be something that would have to be looked into in order to add this


Is there a way to see the awesome new visual bits of automations besides running them? I was hoping they’d let me visualize automations during creation or while editing.

Double check the “is_owner” property of your user in the .storage/auth file. My user was not the owner for some reason, even tho I setup the system.

How long did the update take on your machines? I‘m waiting for 20 minutes to enter home assistant again

Like to update but i get the same error as with 2021.3.4 when I run “Check Home Assistant configuration” to check if update. Already item on forum

Yes, already tried it. Tried also another browser, but now chance to get the analytics to show up.

Thanks for the hint. This file is empty on my installation …

Don’t be silly, its easier to criticize peoples efforts constantly than actually contributing


Impressive, again!
Looking forward to have some fun with the debugger. I write a lot of additional logging for the more complex automations, so that might be a thing of the past now.

Big thanks for this cool and useful new features. Keep up the good work and don’t forget the minor bugs like stay/leave bug on browsing away of your edited automation and the duration trigger issue. Boring stuff compared to this release but just as important :blush: