2021.5: Stability, performance, triggers, color modes!

Not sure about these full addresses, but in the past we tried using city names, and that didnt work, so we ended up using a gps location.

I guess the full addresses need to be in the exact format the integration expects, so maybe a syntax error of sorts leading to these ‘inaccurate’ results?

Anyways, I ended up creating Zones for several of these more often used locations. Benefit of that is that I can use these in other configs and automations without having to mind/find/define the gps locations again

btw, I now notice my Waze sensors were imported, but I cant see which zoned/devices it uses in the config panels. And, that the config I posted above, isnt imported at all… weird

yeah, it seems it is more strict about the address as google is:

removing the postal code did the trick in this case.

1 Like

might be valuable for other users too, if you could post a screenshot of the final valid settings in the config panel?

the hive custom component google is your friend

From some other responses on here, I believe it’s because /dev/serial/by-id doesn’t exist anymore, but I don’t see that mentioned in any documentation. The zigbee documentation recommends using /dev/serial/by-id Zigbee Home Automation - Home Assistant

I have a problem that might be related to yours: I have a page with HTML tabs that has HA + some other webUI’s.
Since installing 2021.5 some things don’t work anymore.
This the topic with some details: Navigate & changing views not working since installing v2021.5

yea, I replied there as well but the issue has been raised already in github:

After being away from home I finally upgraded from 2021.3.4 straight to 2021.5.2 and everything went smoothly. ~3.1Gb database took about 18 mins to do it’s thing but all in the background while HA functioned as normal.

Well done to all the devs :+1:

1 Like

I assume that this is due to the documented breaking change of not running udev in the container. However the documented workaround of setting USING_UDEV=1 made no difference for me. The only thing that worked was manually editing core.config_entries to change the serial port from /dev/serial/by-id/... to /dev/ttyUSB1.

Is ZHA working alright for you now? I’ve been having some issues since upgrading (unable to add new devices, devices not responding to commands at a higher rate than normal, devices disconnecting from the network).


Has anyone fixed the HACS integration error? It says to check the logs but all I see is that it is a custom integration but no details on what is wrong. HACS is working fine but getting this on the integrations page:
HACS Integration Error

Thank you, that does appear to be the root of the issue. I’m running home assistant operating system which it sounds like should have the workaround built in but doesn’t seem to work for me. I’ll edit the core.config_entries file.

After this update, my CPU temperature has risen enormous. My Health Checker warned me. Checkout this graph:

The drop as the the moment i saw the warning and opened the door where my computer is behind. Anyone else has this?

Can confirm: Temperature has risen from 35°C to 45°C. Not good for my very old server.

Failed to set up error on 2021.5b when using YAML config · Issue #2054 · hacs/integration (github.com)

How much is your processor use %

Output of TOP command:

top - 15:02:39 up 2 days,  7:20,  1 user,  load average: 2.81, 2.71, 2.86
Tasks: 304 total,   4 running, 300 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
%Cpu(s): 90.9 us,  8.1 sy,  0.0 ni,  0.3 id,  0.0 wa,  0.0 hi,  0.7 si,  0.0 st
MiB Mem :   3832.0 total,    165.2 free,   2399.0 used,   1267.8 buff/cache
MiB Swap:   3832.0 total,   3457.0 free,    375.0 used.   1670.0 avail Mem

    PID USER      PR  NI    VIRT    RES    SHR S  %CPU  %MEM     TIME+ COMMAND
 847618 dsmr      20   0   87732  66932  17708 R  85.5   1.7   0:02.74 python3
 825012 root      20   0  815340 375544  48044 S  69.1   9.6   7:16.92 python3
 847657 dsmr      20   0   32732  25472   9440 R  16.8   0.6   0:00.51 python3
 847615 root      20   0   84664  22252  15900 S   2.0   0.6   0:00.13 ffmpeg
 847616 root      20   0   81592  22600  16516 S   1.6   0.6   0:00.11 ffmpeg

Hmm, i see that it’s a DSMR process. I see that the DSMR is broken. (dutch smart meter reader). I’ll check it out.

FWIW my NUC temp has raised a couple of degrees. CPU seems the same

havent used the ssh cli interface for some time, but needed to config check today, and this is what is returned, have never seen it before and am not sure if I have a problem :wink:

~ $ ha core check
Processing... Done.

Post "http://supervisor/core/check": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)
~ $ 

on HA 2021.5.2 meanwhile

Updated my DSMR installation, and seems back to normal now. It couldn’t start postgresql or something. Rebooted, updated, and fine now. Coincidence that it occurs right after Hassio update.