2021.5: Stability, performance, triggers, color modes!

After this update, my CPU temperature has risen enormous. My Health Checker warned me. Checkout this graph:

The drop as the the moment i saw the warning and opened the door where my computer is behind. Anyone else has this?

Can confirm: Temperature has risen from 35Ā°C to 45Ā°C. Not good for my very old server.

Failed to set up error on 2021.5b when using YAML config Ā· Issue #2054 Ā· hacs/integration (github.com)

How much is your processor use %

Output of TOP command:

top - 15:02:39 up 2 days,  7:20,  1 user,  load average: 2.81, 2.71, 2.86
Tasks: 304 total,   4 running, 300 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
%Cpu(s): 90.9 us,  8.1 sy,  0.0 ni,  0.3 id,  0.0 wa,  0.0 hi,  0.7 si,  0.0 st
MiB Mem :   3832.0 total,    165.2 free,   2399.0 used,   1267.8 buff/cache
MiB Swap:   3832.0 total,   3457.0 free,    375.0 used.   1670.0 avail Mem

    PID USER      PR  NI    VIRT    RES    SHR S  %CPU  %MEM     TIME+ COMMAND
 847618 dsmr      20   0   87732  66932  17708 R  85.5   1.7   0:02.74 python3
 825012 root      20   0  815340 375544  48044 S  69.1   9.6   7:16.92 python3
 847657 dsmr      20   0   32732  25472   9440 R  16.8   0.6   0:00.51 python3
 847615 root      20   0   84664  22252  15900 S   2.0   0.6   0:00.13 ffmpeg
 847616 root      20   0   81592  22600  16516 S   1.6   0.6   0:00.11 ffmpeg

Hmm, i see that itā€™s a DSMR process. I see that the DSMR is broken. (dutch smart meter reader). Iā€™ll check it out.

FWIW my NUC temp has raised a couple of degrees. CPU seems the same

havent used the ssh cli interface for some time, but needed to config check today, and this is what is returned, have never seen it before and am not sure if I have a problem :wink:

~ $ ha core check
Processing... Done.

Post "http://supervisor/core/check": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)
~ $ 

on HA 2021.5.2 meanwhile

Updated my DSMR installation, and seems back to normal now. It couldnā€™t start postgresql or something. Rebooted, updated, and fine now. Coincidence that it occurs right after Hassio update.

There is no such thing as ā€œHassioā€ anymore.

Itā€™s either Home Assistant OS or Home Assistant Supervised.

Yeah, i know, sorry, itā€™s a habit, haha!

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Yea, no problem. Just trying to do my part to minimize the confusion caused by the name change.

But I get it. The ā€œproject who shall not be namedā€ was much easier to roll off the tongue and the keyboard. :laughing:

But my automation doesnā€˜t work with project_who_shall_not_be_named.snapshot_full :wink:

Seriously: What else can have caused the temperature increase?

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I never said the developers were doing their part to eliminate the confusion. I just said I was doing my part. :laughing:

Yeah, it sucks that with all of the hullabaloo around the renaming in the last couple of years that the project itself hasnā€™t done what they need to to get the naming conventions fixed after all this time.

As far as your CPU temp issue, I canā€™t help with that.

Have you tried turning off different add-ons to see if one of them is causing it?

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Ok, gonna open an issue on Github :grimacing:

Ah, thank you for the hint; I never suspected any addons. Will try and report.

After upgrading to 2021.5 I experience huge increase in data usage. I am on a mobile broadband with a data plan of 100 Gb per month and that has been consumed in 2 days. Any changes in this version that could cause this behaviour? I have Onvif cameras configured but they are local only

After core-2021.5.2 update the RGB panel does not work.
When Led color choice goes off the lamp .


Yes I have same error. I logged a bug report for it on github a couple of days ago

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thanks, I now noticed that, (missed it before because I searched in the wrong repoā€™s) and I had filed an issue on Supervisor :wink: btw mine was not an exact duplicate, I reported on ā€˜ha core checkā€™

guess 3 issues now will get the attention it needs :+1:


Supervisor bloats. Each entity is stored though the corresponding addon has been deleted. How do you deal with it?

What does this even mean?