2021.5: Stability, performance, triggers, color modes!

they update every 5 minutes now by default, no setting possible to change that anymore.

But, read the exact post above yours :wink: Ive made an automation to update the Waze sensors, which can be used for google sensors in an identical way.

In a travel dashboard, selecting destination and origin, use the dynamic Waze sensors, and update like this:


    alias: Update Waze dynamic
    icon: mdi:update
      service: homeassistant.update_entity
      entity_id: sensor.route_planner

itā€™s not that itā€™s updating too slow. Itā€™s not updating at all. It is updating the origin based on the device_tracker, but itā€™s not updating the destination once the changes.

Thanks again guys, update went smooth! :+1:

I have one little problem though (related to using HTML tabs) for which I opened a topic.

hmm this time ( when trying again) it did work. However, I see a lot of errors in the Google API dashboard (but not what kind of error)
also lot of traffic increase, thatā€™s why I had the 900s in place, as Google is only free for so many requestsā€¦

I tried Waze, but I donā€™t see how it gets to 1600km from lutjebroek to hoorn:

Hi all and thanks for the new update version !

I report this strange behaviour ā€¦
I have a switch that every morning and every evening change via cult a CAMERA status :

  - platform: command_line                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
        command_on: "/usr/bin/curl --digest 'http://xxxx:[email protected]/cgi-bin/configManager.cgi?action=setConfig&VideoInMode[0].Config[0]=1'"                                                                                                                                                          
        command_off: "/usr/bin/curl --digest 'http://xxxx:[email protected]/cgi-bin/configManager.cgi?action=setConfig&VideoInMode[0].Config[0]=0'"                                                                                                                                                         
        friendly_name: Profilo notte Strada2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

It alway worked fine but after I installed the update it stops working ā€¦
checking the error it found something strange with the " [ " and " ] " ā€¦
I solved including doubles \ in the command :

  - platform: command_line                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
        command_on: "/usr/bin/curl --digest 'http://xxx:[email protected]/cgi-bin/configManager.cgi?action=setConfig&VideoInMode\\[0\\].Config\\[0\\]=1'"                                                                                                                                                          
        command_off: "/usr/bin/curl --digest 'http://xxx:[email protected]/cgi-bin/configManager.cgi?action=setConfig&VideoInMode\\[0\\].Config\\[0\\]=0'"                                                                                                                                                         
        friendly_name: Profilo notte Strada2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

with the \ it started work again but : is it possible that the CURL syntax command changes after the H.A. update ?

Thanks !

hahaha,. wat config did you use? you need to use the gps locations for cities, not city names, which unfortunately isnt supported in the Waze api

  - platform: waze_travel_time
    name: Waze Amsterdam-Home
    origin: 52.373347, 4.892525
    destination: zone.home
    region: EU

Thatā€™s weird, integration documentation shows clearly adresses can be be used, even down to the examples: Waze Travel Time - Home Assistant

Not sure about these full addresses, but in the past we tried using city names, and that didnt work, so we ended up using a gps location.

I guess the full addresses need to be in the exact format the integration expects, so maybe a syntax error of sorts leading to these ā€˜inaccurateā€™ results?

Anyways, I ended up creating Zones for several of these more often used locations. Benefit of that is that I can use these in other configs and automations without having to mind/find/define the gps locations again

btw, I now notice my Waze sensors were imported, but I cant see which zoned/devices it uses in the config panels. And, that the config I posted above, isnt imported at allā€¦ weird

yeah, it seems it is more strict about the address as google is:

removing the postal code did the trick in this case.

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might be valuable for other users too, if you could post a screenshot of the final valid settings in the config panel?

the hive custom component google is your friend

From some other responses on here, I believe itā€™s because /dev/serial/by-id doesnā€™t exist anymore, but I donā€™t see that mentioned in any documentation. The zigbee documentation recommends using /dev/serial/by-id Zigbee Home Automation - Home Assistant

I have a problem that might be related to yours: I have a page with HTML tabs that has HA + some other webUIā€™s.
Since installing 2021.5 some things donā€™t work anymore.
This the topic with some details: Navigate & changing views not working since installing v2021.5

yea, I replied there as well but the issue has been raised already in github:

After being away from home I finally upgraded from 2021.3.4 straight to 2021.5.2 and everything went smoothly. ~3.1Gb database took about 18 mins to do itā€™s thing but all in the background while HA functioned as normal.

Well done to all the devs :+1:

1 Like

I assume that this is due to the documented breaking change of not running udev in the container. However the documented workaround of setting USING_UDEV=1 made no difference for me. The only thing that worked was manually editing core.config_entries to change the serial port from /dev/serial/by-id/... to /dev/ttyUSB1.

Is ZHA working alright for you now? Iā€™ve been having some issues since upgrading (unable to add new devices, devices not responding to commands at a higher rate than normal, devices disconnecting from the network).


Has anyone fixed the HACS integration error? It says to check the logs but all I see is that it is a custom integration but no details on what is wrong. HACS is working fine but getting this on the integrations page:
HACS Integration Error

Thank you, that does appear to be the root of the issue. Iā€™m running home assistant operating system which it sounds like should have the workaround built in but doesnā€™t seem to work for me. Iā€™ll edit the core.config_entries file.