2021.6: A little bit of everything

Your POV is wrong. When there is not enough disk space when HA tries to install it it doesn’t exist hence 404 and cause is disk is full.

I have the same problems with version core-2021.6.X
Since I use a lot of variables, I cannot use my installation anymore… will this be fixed in the standard-HA in the future, or do we have to use this fork?

Unlikely because, as stated by finity, the original author of hass-variables stopped maintaining it and it’s also a custom component (meaning it’s not part of the official set of Home Assistant’s integrations). The author of a custom component is responsible for maintaining compatibility with changes made to Home Assistant by the development team (and not the other way around).


What is more, @finity gave a solution, which @erdloch has obviously read (because he was able to quote one word of the post).

@snipiba , I had the same issue as you: error 404 when hassio tried to get the image. I have set my DNS to and it then worked well.

@DavidFW1960 , for me, with same symptoms, it was not a disk full issue. So I have the same POV as @snipiba :wink:

no, only when new image was larger than 64GB (card used in rpi and expanded)…

Thanks for your answer, I wasn’t aware that variables are not part of the standard function of HA. The fork works just fine, thanks!

To be precise, hass-variables is “not part of the standard function of HA”. It’s a custom component that you, at some point, installed separately. Home Assistant does support variables but they are not global variables (like what hass-variables provides); their scope is limited to the action where they are defined.

Same here too, no intergration possible

No, it does not. Meanwhile I tried many different things, but the issue persists. Things I’ve tried:

  • Removing frontend.user_data_xxxxxxxxxxxxxx files from \config.storage
  • Removing the complete database and let Home-assistant build a new (empty) one
  • Create a snapshot, do a complete new home assistant installation on a new SD card and install the snapshot
  • Use different themes
  • Going through the log created with the settings from earlier post

None of this lead to even a beginning of finding the root-cause. I’ll create an issue.

It’s a bit frustrating :unamused:

Those are debug lines, they aren’t errors. None of that info in the logs is useful tbh.

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@mirekmal , I did create an issue:

F12 opens the window with errors that the issue is requesting

Thanks @petro!
Actually it was not only hitting F12, but I also had to go to the console tab or hit the warning/error-sign at the top right to show the errors:
That last action was new for me.

Doing so gave some clues that led me to the source of the issue. It was a custom integration card (neerslag-card). :flushed:
I actually was suspecting that thing earlier and I did remove the card. That however did not solve the issue. Apparently I also had to remove the whole front-end custom integration to get rid of the issue.

I’ll also add that to the ticket. I guess it’s best not to close the ticket, since @mirekmal is still experiencing this issue.

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Just upgraded to 2021.7 and the icon stayed out of order. I guess I will have rearrange it again…

I have the same error. How did you fix it?
Where is the Github repo with the PR?

Thanks a million! Applied these patches and now it works again.

Hopefully zwave-js will eventually provide a more comprehensive solution.

A year later, this is still very relevant :wink: Even though my location and other time settings are set to a European setting, logbook still shows Sunday as first day of the week.

Let’s agree that is wrong.