(homeassistant) homeassistant@raspberryha:~/.homeassistant $ pip3 uninstall av
WARNING: Skipping av as it is not installed.
(homeassistant) homeassistant@raspberryha:~/.homeassistant $ pip3 install av --no-cache-dir
Looking in indexes: https://pypi.org/simple, https://www.piwheels.org/simple
Collecting av
Downloading av-8.0.3.tar.gz (2.3 MB)
|████████████████████████████████| 2.3 MB 2.1 MB/s
Building wheels for collected packages: av
Building wheel for av (setup.py) ... error
It is cached, because I run instalation several times. I also tried another versions - 8.0.0, 7.0.0 - the same error. I also upgraded pip to v20.2. And I found similar issues on internet, but nothing works.
I’m using Debian 10 in LXC container on Turris Omnia.
@mkyral@ppolce I googled a bit and found 3 suggestions as this issue apparently has happened before.
all solutions seem to point to missing packages.
1st solution
sudo apt-get install libavformat-dev libavdevice-dev libavcodec-dev libavfilter-dev libavutil-dev libswscale-dev libswresample-dev
2nd solution, try to manually install AV and see what packages are missing, then install those and try to reinstall av
3rd solution ensure ffmpeg is installed first
Beware the timeout with authentication. I had a similar message on mine, and I just went into the configuration for the integration and set the interval to something massive (36000 I think) and left it for about fifteen minutes. After that, I restarted HA and it all came back.
Their server blacklists your IP occasionally and the solution is to back off a while. Changing the interval is an easy way to do that. Alternative is remove the integration, then re-add it after 15 mins. Or just powering down your HA box for a while.
I had an issue with an esp32 camera running through esphome when updating to 2021.7 the log said the esphome API connection failed 100+ times. It is my only esp32 camera and the only esphome device that had this issue.
I’m experiencing the exact same error message, also ‘Configuration validation’ does not revert with a response when ‘Check Configuration’ button is pressed. Having to restart the host with a VM reinitialization. Have never see this error prior to 2021.7
Error message: Failed to call service homeassistant/restart. **init** () got an unexpected keyword argument ‘encoding’
I’ve updated, installed Forecast.Solar and get this error: “Retrying setup: Error occurred while communicating with Forecast.Solar API”.
Have rebooted Home Assistant and still no luck. I can see that I am registered with forecast.solar as on their website there is a panel just near where I live. But doesn’t seem to work in home assistant. Only log issue I can see is: “Config entry ‘Home’ for forecast_solar integration not ready yet: ‘list’ object has no attribute ‘items’; Retrying in background”
Any ideas? Or is there a better place to report this?
Also have connection issues (as well as no image) from my esphome (1.19.0) esp32 camera. Besides the camera entity, I have a light entity for the on-board LED and restart switch, they both go unavailable every 10 seconds. Looking at the esphome logging, it looks like every time an image is captured/transmitted, Home Assistant disconnects from (or is disconnected by, can’t tell which) the esp32. Had been working flawlessly for months through multiple esphome and home-assistant versions. A few other people mentioned an issue with 2021.7 earlier in this thread as well.
I am getting the exact same issue, or
“Retrying setup: Error occurred while communicating with Forecast.Solar API”
Thought it might possibly be because of this new release a lot of people may have jumped on-board and now its over-taxing their API. Says 8 installations, though not sure how frequently that updates.
Setup failed for fritz: Unable to import component: cannot import name 'get_all_profiles' from 'fritzprofiles' (/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fritzprofiles/__init__.py)
If you haven’t seen it already in the replies to the github issue, or for anyone else experiencing this, there is a conflict between library version required by the custom component FritzBox Tools, and the builtin Fritz Box Tools. I previously had both installed, as the custom component had some features that the built in integration didn’t, but only the built in integration provides device tracking.
It seems most/all of the features are in the built in integration now, so delete that old custom integration and restart, and the required library will get updated.