2021.7: A new entity, trigger IDs and script debugging

I was just thinking the exact opposite. I like the new graphs. Especially the larger expanded pop-up size and the colours fit well with my themes. They are about as legible as previously. Lost the fill in my climate history graphs that indicate the AC is heating/cooling, but it is populating again from now.

No issues with the update for me other than one I created. I replaced an @ in my MariaDB recorder URL with %40 and it broke the connection. Returned to @ and all is well again.

I guess it is because the @ symbol is not in my username or password but after it?

The URL is stored in a secret.

mariadb_url: mysql://my_user:my_password@core-mariadb/homeassistant?charset=utf8

I think that @ is directing the user and password to the server. Also, I think your charset should be charset=utf8mb4

This was already submitted as an issue: Rainbird integration broken in 2021.7.0 Ā· Issue #52643 Ā· home-assistant/core Ā· GitHub

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Yeah maybe. It has been like that for a long time and is working so I didnā€™t want to mess with it. Iā€™ll do some investigating.

Iā€™m also having this issue. Iā€™ve replace the ā€œ@ā€ with ā€œ%40ā€ (without the quotes) but Iā€™m still getting the error.

Took me a while but looking at the documentation for the NGINX add in helped.
What worked for me was

  server_port: 8123
  use_x_forwarded_for: true
  ip_ban_enabled: true
  login_attempts_threshold: 3
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PyLutron now dead too

Logger: homeassistant.setup
Source: components/lutron/__init__.py:58
First occurred: 8:53:42 PM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 8:53:42 PM

Error during setup of component lutron
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/setup.py", line 249, in _async_setup_component
    result = await task
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/concurrent/futures/thread.py", line 52, in run
    result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/lutron/__init__.py", line 58, in setup
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pylutron/__init__.py", line 534, in load_xml_db
    assert(parser.parse())     # throw our own exception
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pylutron/__init__.py", line 247, in parse
    for group_xml in groups.getiterator('OccupancyGroup'):
AttributeError: 'xml.etree.ElementTree.Element' object has no attribute 'getiterator'

Same Tom and I wondered as well but you are correct itā€™s only in the password you canā€™t use the @

It should be. changed some time back and I had a database issue I couldnā€™t fix till I fixed that but it was months ago.

Anyway, great release guys again.

Same issue here as well.
Looking at the ESP32 camera log it shows the API is constantly disconnecting and reconnecting.
Iā€™m using the ESP32 GPIO pins for a couple of other sensors and they are also frequently flapping between available and unavailable in HA 2021.7 due to the API disconnects.
Removing the esp32_camera config from the device stopped the API flapping (presumably because HA stops polling the camera), but obviously that negates the point of the device.
Rolling back HA fixed the issue for me too.

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According to the reading Iā€™ve been doing Iā€™ll be ok as long as I dont use 4 byte characters like emoticons.

Not sure what will happen to the existing items in the DB if I change it.

EDIT: nothing bad. Changed it and it is all good still.

When I changed mine I deleted the database as I was having issues anyway (had no recorded data for a few days) This was a few months ago.

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I would like to say that this seems to have gone smoothly on my machine.

I think that the forum thread that mirrors the blog should specifically say that you need to read the blog post to get the important and sometimes breaking changes. I think it might be the length of frenckā€™s informative blog post, but by the time it is mirrored into the forum, a lot of info is missed out.

I think a lot of people get the release announcements from the forum, not the blog post. Some of us know to read the blog post to get the whole story, but others clearly donā€™t. People are missing breaking changes, perhaps because of this. So they should be reminded on the forum.

Well done on another smooth release.

Thatā€™s all.


I got 2 issues:

  1. esp32cam disconnecting every second and not showing picture, using the esphome integration
  2. Platform: youtube doesnā€™t create sensors anymore. ( did I miss a breaking change?, in a former release?)

Looks like there is some pretty useful changes in this release. :+1:

Looking forward to updating when the dust settles.

ā€¦except those history graphsā€¦I hope those colors arenā€™t going to be an issue.

Well dark reds and dark blues always sucked with a dark theme so I like the new lighter coloursā€¦

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And if you want customisable colours thereā€™s always Apex Charts or the Mini Graph card.


not seeing the error here, but I dont think youā€™re missing out on anything valuableā€¦ the calculations are not very accurate, or even close to any reality reallyā€¦

Seems my system wasnā€™t worth the trouble after all. I mean, I know it is cloudy today, but still have the odd watts now (thats without the sun seeing my panels yet)

while the Forecast checks out like this:

so either the sensors are a completely mixed up (only thing coming to the true current production is the next 12 hours sensor) or something else is completely off. And before you ask, yes, I did enter the correct parameters in the configā€¦

the units are wrong too, summed production shouldnā€™t be in Watt, but in kWh. Not sure if thats only a frontend issue, or whether the state of these sensors in fact is in Watts, havent checked the code yet.

Thanks so much for the trigger idā€™s. They make my automations so much cleaner and more readable :grinning:

The Ambee integration also allows me to remove a bunch of RESTful sensors I created when I came across Ambee a few months back :+1:

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I got several problems with 2021.7:

  1. Somehow new install upon detect location this version seems to fail. I have to move the pin 100% manual and its painful
  2. Supervised version previously run very fast after install. 2021.7 take a very long time to setup

MQTT is throwing error The 'value_template' option is deprecated, please replace it with 'state_value_template'

You need to fix that, listed in changes.

  1. Supervised version previously run very fast after install. 2021.7 take a very long time to setup
    i wonder if that now with move to v 6 of os

Update, just spun up another supervised install on vm, didnt seem any longer than usual