after a day or 2 with this new integration, I am still a bit puzzled with the Estimated power sensors. They should indicate the actual usage of that moment, Power production sensors indicate a momentary ‘current’,.
As such the unit is ok as is the unit of the ‘aggregate’ Energy sensors in kWh.
However, when this is my momentary state:
what does it mean that the next 24 hours my estimated power is 1,530 W? This seems to be impossible prediction. Power is momentary, and not for the next hour, or day?
Even more surprisingly is that the estimated power for the next hour is more than that of the whole next day, being 2,697 W…
of course, the next 12 Hours sensor simply is wrong, with the Peak time to be in 2 hours
just found this: component/forecast_solar: change the naming of the power production values by RubenKelevra · Pull Request #52789 · home-assistant/core · GitHub
they’re point in time sensors (as I wrote above momentary) and indicate the ‘moment’ at the next 1/12/24 hours…
fixing the issue of the next 12 hours…