2021.7 recorder configuration to external mysql - broken

I was running the recorder database on my NAS up until 2021.7.2. Instruction says to replace @ with %40. This does not work or I may have misunderstood the guidance

From configuration.yaml:

purge_keep_days: 31
db_url: !secret recorder_db_url
- sensor

From secrets.yaml

recorder_db_url: mysql://username:passsord%40192.168.87.250/homeassistant?charset=utf8mb4

Worked fine under 2021.6 with @ instead of %40

Any suggestions/guidance?

Thanks in advance for any insight!

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You only need to replace @ with %40 if you have an @ as part of your username or password. The @ that separates the username:password from the IP address should remain a @, as the whole point is to avoid having @ appear earlier in the string and confuse the URL parser.

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