2021.9.0: More energy, USB discovery, template ❤️

I’ve seen this mentioned a few times in this thread.
I could have sworn that this was already incorporated a while back. I remember reading one of the update notes over the past year and there was mention of HA running the Config Check before applying updates.

Raspberri Pi 3B+, same infinite reboot.
Never happened until this release (((

Make sure you have device_class: gas

tried that but still no dice

unit_of_measurement: m3
friendly_name: Gas m3
icon: mdi:fire
state_class: total_increasing
device_class: gas
last_reset: ‘1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000+00:00’

They are working on it :slight_smile:

Change state_class to measurement

I am not using Home Assistant OS, I have HA Docker (on Ubuntu).
Hope that issue covers my case too…

Still no change -

unit_of_measurement: m3
friendly_name: Gas m3
icon: mdi:fire
state_class: measurement
device_class: gas
last_reset: ‘1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000+00:00’

Do you have this working ? If so can you share your working settings ?

A config check against the new version would not have helped here, unfortunately. This wasn’t an issue with configuration and the new version. It’s looking like broken sqlite-tools for aarch64 in alpine 3.14

In regard to backups, you should make use of other add-ons or automations which will copy off your backups to another location aside from the device itself. I use the Google Drive add-on which has been mentioned here and there are other options. https://www.home-assistant.io/common-tasks/os#copying-your-backups-to-another-location

In regard to the restarting, you can connect keyboard and monitor to your device and force HA into safe mode. Once it is no longer restarting you should be able to downgrade using ha core update --version=2021.8.8 in the ssh add-on terminal. Also, @Ildar_Gabdullin

This is from an esphome node config - ive repurposed the Glow electricity sensor using a reed switch

  - platform: template
    id: gas_glow_total_gas_m3
    name: '${friendly_name} - Total Used m³'
    accuracy_decimals: 3
    unit_of_measurement: 'm³'
    state_class: measurement
    device_class: gas
    last_reset_type: auto
    icon: 'mdi:circle-slice-3'

I have a similar config (also without showing up in the dropdown for gas):

sensor gas_delivered:
  platform: mqtt
  name: "Gas Gebruik"
  state_topic: "DSMR-API/gas_delivered"
  state_class: total_increasing
  value_template: '{{ value_json.gas_delivered[0].value | round(3) }}'

the last_reset attribute does also not make it visible…also interested what is missing.

Yes, I am also confused about the long term stats. The blog says basically all sensors can use this feature now, but I see no configuration options anywhere.

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I get it out. Put into your config:
device_class: gas

Finally got my gas working :grinning:


Had to do it in 2 places - MQTT sensor and then add last_reset: ‘1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000+00:00’ via customize.yaml. Unit of measurement has to be m³ and not m3 -

- platform: mqtt
  name: "Gas M3"
  state_topic: "SMART/HILD/XXXXXXX"
  unit_of_measurement: 'm³'
  value_template: "{{ value_json['gasMtr']['0702']['00']['00']|int(base=16) * value_json['gasMtr']['0702']['03']['01']|int(base=16) / value_json['gasMtr']['0702']['03']['02']|int(base=16) }}"
  icon: 'mdi:fire'
  state_class: measurement
  device_class: gas
      last_reset: ‘1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000+00:00’

Thanks to all that helped.

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Check what I did here

@BertrumUK yes, the key here is m³ and not m3.

Lost 2 days (How adapt a custom mqtt reading gas sensor to use with new dashboard), I would try to update the docs, in case.

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Seems you were going to say something but the post is cut.
Regarding my case - there is nothing critical. The RPi HA setup is basically used for testing purpose, I can wait for the next update, there is no need for me to downgrade.

I’m so glad for the Homekit Device Automations! Finally a way to send button events to Homekit without awkardly mimicing a switch that goes on and off…

Is it possible to use though, if configured in YAML? According to documentation it’s something you add in the integration, but if you do it the YAML way there’s no option for it…

I am still not seeing this update in supervisor on either of my two instances.

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Its been pulled for now


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