2021.9.0: More energy, USB discovery, template ❤️

Ok, that’s the difference. I still run deConz on a Conbee stick with extension cable.
So I have to move deConz to an external source first, right?
And then I will be able to connect multiple HA instances with this deConz instance.

Energy still shows ‘Today’ only. Is that just me?

Another low-tech method of running the beta safely, is to make a backup of your ssd with Clonezilla first. Yes, it will cause some downtime, but if you do this in the the late evening, the WAF might not be an issue anymore. And you will be able to rollback. Biggest disadvantage: you will lose some (sensor) data if a full rollback is needed.

I’m actually thinking of doing this myself too, so i can participate in the beta.

Aside from this: let’s all try to be friendly and constructive. A good rule of thumb: try to understand ‘the other person’, before making your own statement. If you don’t understand the other person, just ask. This curiosity will create common understanding and appreciation.

Am I the only that has issues with the Netatmo integration after updating tot 2021.9? Integration does not seem to work anymore, upgrading to 2021.9.1 does not fix the issue.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/netatmo/__init__.py", line 198, in register_webhook
    await hass.data[DOMAIN][entry.entry_id][AUTH].async_addwebhook(webhook_url)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyatmo/auth.py", line 351, in async_addwebhook
    resp = await self.async_post_request(WEBHOOK_URL_ADD, {"url": webhook_url})
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyatmo/auth.py", line 306, in async_post_request
    async with self.websession.post(
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/aiohttp/client.py", line 1117, in __aenter__
    self._resp = await self._coro
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/aiohttp/client.py", line 544, in _request
    await resp.start(conn)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/aiohttp/client_reqrep.py", line 905, in start
    self._continue = None
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/aiohttp/helpers.py", line 656, in __exit__
    raise asyncio.TimeoutError from None

Nops, Netatmo works fine for me, both for 2021.9.0 and 2021.9.1. Running on RB PI 3, and the full packaged solution for HA whatever it’s called.

as Ive also been running the full beta cycle, with 3 ha instances, and found the first restart loop error (in b02), which had to do with ‘segfault’ or regex , and was fixed indeed in the beta 3, I can say Petro is right. the Pi3 error that emerged after the 2021.9.0 release was a different one.

Moreover, the latter didn’t touch all pi3’s. My 2 systems using a Pi3 updated to 2021.9.0 just fine and didn’t loop start at all.

so, no guessing.

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As far as I have understood, the long term statistics are stored in the same database. They are calculated once an hour (IE. you have 24 data points per day for each eligible sensor). And these are retained forever and are not affect by purge setting. But if you delete you DB they will be gone. I can’t remember where i read this, maybe in developer docs. Not sure. Hope this answers your question

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Had the same /a similar issue with 9.0, a full reboot of Host fixed for me. Maybe try that.

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Will try this. Thanks for the tip.

Anyone also on 2021.9.1 and not seeing an option to add gas in the energy config screen?


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it should be under Electricity grid… scroll down the page… but you are even missing the battery card on the right

It’s only in the blogs, PR submitted and the docs will be fixed soon.

I have exactly the same

try CTRL+F5 on the browser


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Ah, did the job! :slight_smile:

Hi Jody,

I’m fairly new to the plaform, and I’ve been trying in vain to use this for a few power monitoring plugs that don’t return energy.

I can’t seem to find where in configuration.yaml this would go. I’ve tried placing it under ‘sensor:’ but it just doesn’t seem to work. sorry if this is utterly stupid :slight_smile:

Any clues for the clueless?


    - name: "broadband_incoming"
      unit_of_measurement: "mbps"
      state: >
        {% set myvalue = states('sensor.asus_rt_ac68u_c1_dd_wrt_kib_s_received') | float %}
        {% set myvalue = ((myvalue * 8) / 1024) | float %}
        {{myvalue | round(1)}}

    - name: "broadband_outgoing"
      unit_of_measurement: "mbps"
      state: >
        {% set myvalue = states('sensor.asus_rt_ac68u_c1_dd_wrt_kib_s_sent') | float %}
        {% set myvalue = ((myvalue * 8) / 1024) | float %}
        {{myvalue | round(1)}}

    - platform: integration
      source: sensor.washing_machine_power_meter
      name: energy_washingmachine_kwh
      unit_prefix: k
      round: 2    

results in

Logger: homeassistant.config
Source: config.py:445
First occurred: 11:34:44 (5 occurrences)
Last logged: 11:56:58

Invalid config for [template]: [platform] is an invalid option for [template]. Check: template->sensor->2->platform. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 25).

That goes under template.

- sensor:
    - name: "broadband_incoming"
      unit_of_measurement: "mbps"
      state: >
        {% set myvalue = states('sensor.asus_rt_ac68u_c1_dd_wrt_kib_s_received') | float %}
        {% set myvalue = ((myvalue * 8) / 1024) | float %}
        {{myvalue | round(1)}}

    - name: "broadband_outgoing"
      unit_of_measurement: "mbps"
      state: >
        {% set myvalue = states('sensor.asus_rt_ac68u_c1_dd_wrt_kib_s_sent') | float %}
        {% set myvalue = ((myvalue * 8) / 1024) | float %}
        {{myvalue | round(1)}}

that goes under sensor

    - platform: integration
      source: sensor.washing_machine_power_meter
      name: energy_washingmachine_kwh
      unit_prefix: k
      round: 2    
1 Like


Many thanks. That makes more sense and I now have an entity.

Unfortunately, the entity doesn’t have any units listed, and is not picked up by the individual devices section of energy monitoring. I thought that was the purpose of “unit_prefix: k” but might be mistaken

Hope you can help.




state_class: measurement
last_reset: 2021-09-03T11:05:38.025823+00:00
source: sensor.washing_machine_power_meter
friendly_name: energy_washingmachine_kwh
icon: mdi:chart-histogram

Thanks, how asleep I have been, not trying this wioth troubleshooting. Rebooted for something else, fixed.

I haven’t used the energy stuff yet. Maybe someone else can chime in.