2021 Nest Doorbell (battery) working?

I get a picture when I click on the entity. This is working. If I add the battery camera to my dashboard with the picture-glance and the camera-view: live I get an error:

Failed to start WebRTC stream: Nest API error: Error from API: 429: RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED: Rate limited for the GenerateWebRtcStream API for the user.: Too Many Requests

This means that it is opening and closing the web rtc stream over and over, and the API is stopping that from happening.

For battery cameras, this will drain the cameras battery pretty quickly, which i assume is why the Google home app doesnā€™t show you previews.

Snapshot support for events is a work in progress Add an entity service for saving nest event related snapshots by allenporter Ā· Pull Request #58369 Ā· home-assistant/core Ā· GitHub

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Thank you. I donā€™t want to use the cam on the dashboard. Was just a tests.

Thanks for the PR. Will have a look on it

I was able to successfully integrate - but are there no entities for doorbell press or motion?

Yes thatā€™s right. Entities / binary sensors are the deprecated way to do events and instead device triggers are how itā€™s done these days. Check out Nest - Home Assistant for examples. There are also examples on this forum somewhere con another thread of making binary sensors out of device triggers or events if you need to.

Oh I just came across this response from @gmlupatelli who has the answer for you in
this thread Nest camera motion entities - #6 by gmlupatelli if you need to use binary sensors. Super great timing :slight_smile: and really appreciate that they took the time to write up their solution and share it with the community!


Amazing - thanks for the work!

I tried doing this but for some reason my binary sensors never trigger. I can trigger via normal automations but not from the sensors.

Maybe go ask the author of that post?

I have the battery doorbell successfully integrated and I can see the stream from the entity in HA, but how can I stream it to Chromecast?

I tried to call camera.play_stream but it returns an error saying that streaming isnā€™t supported for the camera.

Correct it is not yet supported. The cast app does not yet support WebRTC.

Where can I find the source code of the cast app? Is it part of the main HA repo?

It is in the frontend repo https://github.com/home-assistant/frontend/tree/dev/cast

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What I still miss, is whether or not you can use the nest integration to save the videos that the nest doorbell (battery) captures. Can someone verify?

Hi, Nest - Home Assistant describes what is and is not supported for each camera at the moment.

Wow, that was quick! I donā€™t completely understand yet, could you please elaborate what is meant with ā€˜basic support for capturing eventsā€™ means here:
ā€œHome Assistant is not intended to be a Network Video Recorder (NVR) platform, however, basic support for capturing recent events is supported.ā€

Does that mean you can only save the event data (10 frame mp4s) and not the complete video file? Guess I am looking for a NVRā€¦

I did some more reading and Iā€™m going to go for the nest doorbell and accept that it wonā€™t be a security cam, Iā€™ll get a separate RTSP cam with blue iris for that. Iā€™m not going to pay a monthly fee, I hate that.

Home assistant does not yet support recording video clips for webrtc cameras. Note that if youā€™re using thos information to make buying decisions look super closely, perhaps even at the API docs. E.g. not all webrtc cams support the MP4 clips for example.
Agreed on getting some other rtsp cams if you want lots more local control and flexibility.

I have both a battery and wired doorbell and had no problems with adding the battery one. However the wired doorbell doesnā€™t show up, I assume itā€™s not supported yet?

Hello ā€“ Google Nest - Home Assistant has a link in the first paragraph to the supported devices. (Iā€™m not answering specifically so that folks refer to the latest docs in case the list of devices changes). Let me know if a new device is supported by the API but having trouble with home assistant.