2022.12 Color states are broken/unusable

Again I kindly remind you that this is not about a card-mod only.
Even defining colors in a theme became different, people cannot use “rgb(x,x,x)” or “green”.
Read my report again if you are interested.


I know I’m probably in the crowd of my own, but I really, deeply dislike the theming changes since you started adding round corners and borders everywhere without an option to retain the original look, now you messed up the colors i.e. in device tracker Work, Home, School, Shop and all the different areas are now same color. Same with alarm entities, thermostats, vacuums, media_players etc.

I don’t mind you implementing changes you think are nice, but I think you should consider that not everyone does too and could implement your new ideas as toggles instead of forcing them upon us.

Yes, I know I could use card-mod, but that’s not the point.


The thing that annoyed me most about the colour changes is that I use several Picture Element cards that show the overview of my house. I have one with the things I can control like lights and covers and another with all the sensors.

There is no colour scheme that is perfect. A binary sensor that is a motion sensor is indicated by an icon of a person. It is grey when noone is there and red when there is motion. The purpose … to put attention on things that are important. A motion sensor that is not sensing anything does not fit red and green. It fits better grey (nothing to see here) and red (Hey someone is there).

My window sensors and door sensors are different. They are also binary sensors. But they are the kind where I define green for secured (windows and doors closed, locks are locked) and red for open.

The whole idea is that I can glance at the sensor plan of my house and note that there is nothing red displayed when I leave. Red means danger. Something is open that should be closed and secured.

On my other house plan with the lights and curtains.

Light use the default colour sceme. Their colour represents their colour with yellow meaning white. All well before and after

My curtains are covers. They are green for closed and orange/Yellowish for open. Reason is that you can leave your house with a curtain open. It is a huge risk if you forget to close a window.

There was a documented way to define colours for each and every displayed entity that I followed and it broke with 2022.12.0

And this made me upset. And I am stil upset. Making these picture elements card is hard. It takes time to fiddle all the icons at the right places in the right scales and the right colours.
I should not have to fear each release.

It took me from 9:30 PM to 1:30 AM before I had my picture element cards back to working again.

It makes me upset that you developers do not have more respect for the 1000s of users. I am not using fancy themes. I have been mostly happy with the UI and the overall colour scemes.

The problem is that the places where colours have a clear function and where I have used officially documented methods for defining my icon colours in Picture Elements cards (also standard official cards) the colours are now suddenly hopeless.

My motion sensors go from grey/red to grey/light blue. My curtains go from green/yellow to some nasty purple.

And I need help from people like Marius to get things back working again. It is not even documented how to get picture element colours defined.

And now that I have learned how - it has gone from pretty geeky to super über-geeky

Instead of using the same CSS settings, I know have to experiment with which of more than 10 I have to use to define the on colour. And I cannot even be sure that this does not change again in two months

I wish you developers would think a little more about the consequences of your changes. You have obviously been very focused on getting the history colour bars improved and have totally forgotten that the same CSS is also used in Picture Element cards and that all the super cool house plans 1000s of us have made will break.

The real long term solution of this should be that the on/off colours should be possible to define for all binary type switches and sensors. We had the icon selection made super simple some releases ago. We just need to be able to also define the colours for on and off.

That will give the UI developers freedom to change colours in all future, and we users can trust that the icons that need to be red and green remain red and green. That will be the ideal solution.

There is no colour scheme that fits all. One person will want a lock to be red when locked and green when unlocked. And another will want it like I have - because the “all green” has en important function.

In short.

  • Please think before you change things in the UI
  • Please listen to the concerns that are raised
  • Please fix it by making a non CSS, non Theme solution to user defined on/off colours for all that is binary. None binary would be harder to do and mostly works fine as it is

its not that I dont want to read your report. I did. It’s also not that I like all changes. I dont. Ive spent a lot of time, some might have even found too much, in #beta discussing the pro and cons.

I still see several default colors, Id love to change. They probably will. The person state colors are already fixed and merged, hope to see that in the next .1 update.

for the other issue:
themes work 100% correctly when using hex values in the rgb vars. That will be auto-rendered. They can not auto-render with color-names to rgb values apparently. It was explained I the #beta. And no we can also Not do

  main-on-color: '#ffd700' #255, 215, 0
  state-switch-color: var(--main-on-color)
  state-automation-color: var(--main-on-color)

unfortunately. That would have been a bit better. Yet, setting these colors once and forget is ok-ish.
I am glad we now have dedicated colors per domain. Asked for that for years… and ofc, when things get implemented, not all will be satisfied. Because they dont get what is happening. Or simply because they don’t like the chosen colors.

Well, themes are there to the rescue and allow us to customize. My gripe was and is, those changes aren’t documented at all, under the stance HA only supports 2 main vars, and the rest is internal.

I find that a disrespect to the user base honestly. and I dont get that. Certainly wouldn’t take that pov if I owned the project.

But hey, I dont… so I’ll have to learn to fix things. As do we all.

and there are many options. Use custom:button-card and do whatever you want, use custom-ui, use card-mod, the list goes on.

Ive first deleted all of my binary customizations, and left it all to the new color schemes. Today however, I found the heaters to be blue when heating, so I re-instated these:

      <<: &heat
        <<: *hide
          icon_color: >
            return (state === 'on') ? 'maroon' : 'var(--primary-color)';

      <<: *heat

      <<: *heat

and my doors need:

        <<: &alert_color
          icon_color: >
            return (state === 'off') ? 'var(--primary-color)' : 'var(--alert-color)';

all other cards have state_color: true and use the new color schemes, overridden on:

  state-switch-color: '#ffd700'
  state-automation-color: '#ffd700'
  state-cover-color: '#ffd700'
  state-fan-color: '#ffd700'
  state-light-color: '#ffd700'
  state-binary-sensor-color: '#ffd700'
  state-input-boolean-color: '#ffd700'
  state-person-home-color: '#008000'
  badge-person-not-home-color: '#636B75'
  state-person-zone-color: '#800080'
  state-climate-heat-color: '#800080'
  state-climate-idle-color: '#000000'

I think some of the above can be left out when the feedback will be used in changing current default values.


Hmm, replied to another person by mistake, had to delete the 1st post…

I appreciate your efforts; sometimes I only read your comments & do not interfere - like in your latest discussion related to “aria” labels.

Could you give me any info (copy-paste, a link, …) to that explanation?

Am I understood you correctly - is it not possible anymore?
Can users still use some var to define another var in a theme?

yes, its here in Discord in the beta channel

oddly enough I can not copy it, so here’s a screen dump:

apparently, not for these colors, no.
I still use all my other custom variables, so nothing has changed there

Who thought that changing colors was a good idea??


OK, they answered like “not supported” (((
Well, we still have choices like card-mod, custom-ui etc.
2022 is a very crazy year.

yeah, well if changing colors in our dashboards was the biggest challenge of 2022, we’d all be happy…
‘crazy’ must be the biggest understatement of the season.

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I feel like all the complaints about color is starting to overtake this thread, maybe its time to move that discussion to another thread? Not to mention a lot of these comments are almost anxiety inducing and just down right toxic. I understand english is not a first language for most in here but please re-read your posts on criticism and look from the other angle, its a bit disheartening how you think its ok to talk to people to convey what you dislike.


I think we are fixing a lot of things all the time. From crapy chinese sensors to no longer maintained custom plugins and else.
But I am not ok with fixing things just because of a poor decision. The strength of HA is the high configurability and the willingness of the users worldwide to solve problems and support other users.
That should be remembered, be respected and preserved.


Maybe because it’s half baked and it’s a nightmare for those with poor vision? The contrast is almost null. Why the accent color is not being used?


I never said don’t complain, what I said was have respect when doing so. Its ok to not like something that was done, its not ok to talk to down people and be rude to them because you disagree.

Is it really too much to ask for users to be respectful when conveying criticism?


If you have issues to report, use Github or give constructive feedback.
All the constructive feedbacks are taken into account. All the negative toxic messages are just ignored.


Maybe the rough tone isn’t just because of the color change, but also because some users (like me) don’t feel that they’re being taken seriously or respected anymore because of the many decisions that have been made lately.

But of course it’s still inappropriate to be rude.


Let me provide some good examples of feedback:

Here’s some examples of feedback that will probably get you ignored by the developer:


The new interface seems to have been deployed without extensive research.
There is not enough contrast, and this create immense problems to those with poor vision.
Accent color is not being used (or maybe it’s overriden) by the new color management.
This requires, in my opinion, an expedited rectification.


Why even write that first line? What purpose does it fill other than to throw shade? Just state the issues and move on. EDIT: Now you have me doing it. Sorry.


I’m sorry you don’t like it but that’s seems to be the case given it’s been such an issue that a dedicated thread needed to be made.

Its implementation should have required much more research and caution. I would have defined this a breaking change.

Edit: can we agree that people who have poor vision and need a high contrast interface would find themselves having to revise all their dashboard just because?

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Sorry, miss read the post. Ignore me.