2022.12 Color states are broken/unusable

There’s a fix in for the binary sensor off colour. Fix binary sensor color when off by piitaya · Pull Request #14735 · home-assistant/frontend · GitHub

Is there a way to add different colors for a different device class? It is listed in the first link but not available in the theme you’ve created. What would be the naming convention?

Seems that PR will also solve one more issue "Fix a color for battery if “unknown”.

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are you now advocating same colors for unavailable and unknown? thats a bit unexpected tbh, since you earlier mentioned 2022.12 Color states are broken/unusable - #301 by Ildar_Gabdullin

Tbh, I do like the unavailable color there. That greyed out should be system default for unavailable.
Not sure about the unknown, which seems to be the same as Off? That would still be an issue imo.

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Wasn’t that a requested change here from the community to make sure that good/safe states are green (which obliviously having the alarm set would be such a state)?

I am not sure about the gray though, considering that here we have it as default blue.


But an alarm being triggered is a thing that triggered like a bomb set to go off. For an alarm system, the daily use is “be careful, the alarm system is on, don’t open the door without turning it off”

I now had to add this to my addition js file which is getting longer and longer

document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--rgb-state-alarm-disarmed-color', 'var(--rgb-green-color)');
document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--rgb-state-alarm-armed-color', 'var(--rgb-red-color)');

No no no, my issue was about a battery ICON only. I may accept the way “same color for unavailable & unknown”, but for history the must be different.
Well, it is worth to add a remark in that issue.

Update: yes, colors for unavailable & unknown should be different for icons too.

right. And this has been working like that for years, to each and everyones satisfaction.
and yet this these colors are changed out of the box, because … ?

O I misunderstood that obviously, but please let me repeat my suggestion for colors then:

unavailable: that same light grey (ed out)
unknown: some theme default for grey (is what it says, not off/not on, we dont know so…)
on: active color depending on device_class, or fallback to classless system default for on
off: inactive color depending on device_class, or fallback to classless system default for off

didnt want to run through your Issue, but if you’d agree in this, please pick this up?

I do get that point (I personally do not use anything like that in HA). It looks weird/inconsistent then when e.g. comparing it to locks which are red when open/unsafe.

I’ve programmed the LED ring in my custom doorbell to be green when the alarm is disarmed and blue when armed, it seems logical to me. I cant program grey though :slight_smile:

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I corrected the issue.

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Here is the fix that fixes it all:

$ ha core update --version=2022.11.5

With a lock things are different

I am sure the community is split 50/50 on locks.

I use a picture-element card to show the status of windows, doors, and door locks. I can safely leave the house when all are green.

But I can equally understand the user that says, red is locked. Red is stop. Green is open, go!

For locks we need to individually be able to pick our preference in a theme or by setting the colours on the individual entities like I do in my picture elements card.

I cannot see a natural default for locks that fits all.


Thank you very much, works perfectly.
I was heavily relying on the paper-item-icon-active-color in my custom button cards, with the new update this color became black instead of the previous yellow :frowning:
So for the moment I just needed to add one line to the new theme:

paper-item-icon-active-color: rgba(255, 214, 10, 1)

Loading that via the automation also works, great solution!

Unavailable entities are now transparent not the same colour the off is. that is great. binary sensor on is not visible on yellow though so that is a problem now urt much less of the problem than the same colour of unavailable and off

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With all the comments here it seems that front end releases needs to go through the same beta testing process that core currently does. It seems crazy that a release that changes everyone’s system is released with no testing from the community.


Front end is included in the betas. No idea why this wasn’t brought up during beta to the level it’s being brought up now.

I didn’t see it during beta. Maybe a better release note in beta (as to me this is a breaking change}.


The colors section didn’t change much, I think the rc site is still up. :man_shrugging: