2022.12: It does matter!

I think that is a known limitation that the calendar does not render events spanning multiple days yet, except on the first day.

Indeed. When this is implement then it will be very nice to use. Keep up the good work Devs :slight_smile:

do you mean this:?

I installed this and Transmission and see the RPi Shared folders on VLC on Apple TV to play the media files.

Or do you mean something different ?

Nice update, again. I was wondering how I can set the scan interval for the new Scrape integration in the UI?

I currently get some fuel prices and once an hour will do for that. I don’t want to hammer / slashdot / dos those websites (and get blocked :slight_smile: ).

I think the new calendar has the right objectives

The objective is to add a user human user interface to run scheduled automations. And most automations will quickly be more than what you do in a simple UI.

The calendar implementation lacks the ability to edit things you add. The dev says that may be there next month. Right now you can only delete. But besides this I think it will be a great tool

I have an example where I will use it. We have recycle collection on predefined schedules. Big garbage and cardboard every 4th week on Tuesdays. Glass and metal every 10 weeks. Paper/plastic every 3 weeks. Garden garbage 4 weeks but only the summer half. And periodicly they change the scedule or jumps a week. Currently I have binary template sensors like

  - name: "Paper Plastic Garbage Week"
    unique_id: paper_plastic_garbage_week
    state: >
      {% set week = now().isocalendar()[1] %}
      {% set week = week + 1 if now().isoweekday() > 2 else week %}
      {{ week % 3 == 2 }}
    icon: >
      {% if is_state("binary_sensor.paper_plastic_garbage_week", "on") %}
      {% else %}
      {% endif %}

And an automation that turns on an LED based on these sensors.

Maintaining these math formulas is an endless task. In future I will simply sit down with the new garbage calendar start of a new year and punch in the dates. For most I can define a start date and repeat the right number of weeks (if you have not noticed - when you click weekly another field pops up where you can select how many weeks). I see this as much much easier. And if there is an change of schedule e.g. around the xmas holidays it is easy to change. It will be a huge help.

For my real human calendar I do not see using HA. I use Google Calendar today which I share with my family and works in a calendar app on my computers and i-devices. HA will never reach that kind of level. It is better to keep it simple and targetted to be a new way to trigger automations.

I can also see quickly automations develop so the calendar is not the thing that triggers automations but the condition in automations. E.g. run something when something happens - unless we are on vacation. It will be really useful.


Turns out that all that was required was a really trivial coding change :slight_smile: . I created a PR for it which I think makes the calendar a lot more usable from a visual perspective.


Turn off the polling, then make an automation with a time pattern and homeassistant.update_entity

1 Like

I will give that a try.

Do you happen to know the automatic polling interval?

So, I’m a little confused by person colours, there are 6 of us in the home, 5 zone history cards display in blue for ALL zones except not_home and I display as green for ALL zones except not_home.

Previously (whilst random) it was at least easy to see different locations as different colours.

Is this now by design?

30 sec

A post was merged into an existing topic: I dislike the 2022.12 Color changes

No, I mean being able to mount NAS shares on HAOS so that remote media can be accessed and video can be written to it.

Ah ok - I can do that with DLNA Servers. When I set up HAIO initially it found the NAS automatically and they are seen in the Media Sources Tab in the sidebar and videos on there could be watched. I just played a few samples to try as I watch on an Apple TV.

Saying that though, looks like that’s broken with the update ! When I just checked

besides the color issue, would there be a more generic discussion on the ‘future’ of the HA interface? As I check https://www.figma.com/proto/ZPRTON7huEj9kyXzPNxNgK/Future-concept?node-id=263%3A7490 which is even captioned at that (Future), I fear all is centered around the new tile card.

Although it is a nice addition to the available cards, in my setup/personal preference, it is only used for a very small number of entities.

I certainly would hope, and like to stress, that the entities card is way more convenient listing many entities (obviously), and the tile card is consuming lots of screen estate.

If anything, please have more user base interaction than with the new color schemes. The team seems surprised there is such a big number of issues (most users dont care dixit Balloob, we got only positive feedback on Mushroom, dixit piitaya ). Or frustration, or complaints. Anger even…

Well, don’t solely rely on Mushroom users to be the generic type of HA users either…

Just please have an open discussion on that outlook, so we can share what we feel is important in representing our smart homes, and the team can have their expertise create that?

Other changes are bound to happen that will yet again frustrate many of us that use soon to be removed possibilities/functionality.

And we will again have to propose alternatives ourselves. I am fine with that. But it isn’t the easiest of strategies, where other, more user base centered aspects could have been considered and suggested as alternatives.


Agreed. The tile colors are important to me as well. I ended up reverting to my last backup

There should also be an option to choose which colors you want to use.

Otherwise, thanks for all the great work guys/gals.


Every update I hope for some Energy Dashboard Love. So much potential in these times. Alas not this time


I love Mushrooms, I love some of their principles are moving into core. The ease of configuring tap actions from the gui, ability to add templating code, setting primary and secondary info, etc ,etc are all super cool. I think the direction of adding ‘Features’ to default cards is a great way of adding to what Mushrooms allowed while keeping the UI clean.

So yes I am a fan!

Yet as I look across my dashboard they make up about 5% or 10% of my total cards. Entities card is very much my main card, this is down to the low amount of real estate they take up. Hoping the direction we are heading is moving the flexibility and power of Mushrooms into other existing cards and not presuming the existing cards are not needed.


Since the 12.2022 the Philips TV addon no longer syncronizes the media_player and remote independently (Have Android Philips). Only when restarting the addon. Buttons work but a self update no longer works. Can someone help me with this? Is the error already known? I am new here.

2022-12-09 00:04:00.424 DEBUG (MainThread) [haphilipsjs] Get succeded: powerstate -> {"powerstate":"On"}

2022-12-09 00:04:00.459 DEBUG (MainThread) [haphilipsjs] Get succeded: audio/volume -> {"muted":false,"current":60,"min":0,"max":60}

2022-12-09 00:04:00.516 DEBUG (MainThread) [haphilipsjs] Get succeded: activities/tv -> {"channel":{"ccid":17,"preset":"8","name":"VOX HD"},"channelList":{"id":"allsat","version":"2"}}

2022-12-09 00:04:00.555 DEBUG (MainThread) [haphilipsjs] Get succeded: activities/current -> {"component":{"packageName":"org.droidtv.playtv","className":"org.droidtv.playtv.PlayTvActivity"}}

2022-12-09 00:04:00.602 DEBUG (MainThread) [haphilipsjs] Get succeded: context -> {"level1":"WatchTv","level2":"Playstate","level3":"NA","data":"NA"}

2022-12-09 00:04:00.640 DEBUG (MainThread) [haphilipsjs] Get succeded: screenstate -> {"screenstate":"On"}

2022-12-09 00:04:00.677 DEBUG (MainThread) [haphilipsjs] Get succeded: ambilight/mode -> {"current":"internal"}

2022-12-09 00:04:00.711 DEBUG (MainThread) [haphilipsjs] Get succeded: ambilight/power -> {"power":"On"}

2022-12-09 00:04:00.753 DEBUG (MainThread) [haphilipsjs] Get succeded: ambilight/currentconfiguration -> {"styleName":"FOLLOW_VIDEO","isExpert":false,"menuSetting":"NATURAL","stringValue":"Natural"}

2022-12-09 00:04:00.788 DEBUG (MainThread) [haphilipsjs] Get succeded: HueLamp/power -> {"power":"On"}

2022-12-09 00:04:00.788 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.philips_js] Finished fetching philips_js data in 0.403 seconds (success: True)

Nothing else happens. I operate TV but no retrieval from status.

Same Philips TV behavior here.

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Won’t load for me. Not seeing any errors after clearing the core log and trying to update again. Just seems to time out. I’m using the generic X86 NUC version of HA.
This is in the supervisor log though:
22-12-08 16:47:01 ERROR (SyncWorker_7) [supervisor.docker.interface] Can’t install ghcr.io/home-assistant/generic-x86-64-homeassistant:2022.12.0: 404 Client Error for http+docker://localhost/v1.41/images/ghcr.io/home-assistant/generic-x86-64-homeassistant:2022.12.0/json: Not Found ("no such image: ghcr.io/home-assistant/generic-x86-64-homeassistant:2022.12.0: