2022.12: It does matter!

A reboot should not be needed, as it upgrades the HA container, which is an isolated environment. It should come back.

If not, visit http://<your device>:4357, to check the state of the system (4357 == help, it shows the observer which monitors the overall state of the system).

Why is it not possible to edit or update details of a calendar event?
It’s so dumb that I have to delete and create events again in order to update details.


Already asked and answered in this thread (pointing to Edit Local Calendar Events - #3 by spacegaier).

Short answer: There is only so much that volunteer contributors are able to do in one release. So not a matter of being “dumb”, but just a matter of “time”.


2022.12.5 is out but no impact on the colours. I keep waiting. I am still happy with 2022.11.5…


I’ve done it in costumizations with no sucess.

So would be nice to use new set of theme variables for new, future interface and leave legacy ones for legacy cards…

I agree, I rolled back to a previous core version because I thought it had bugged my climate entities. It’s confusing having them all show bright orange since this was the previous “active heating” colour beforehand. At a casual glance, now it’s just not as clear to tell what’s “On” (heating) or “Off” (Idle but armed) as I have 6 zones to check. A much darker “Idle (Heat) mode” colour would be greatly appreciated please.

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The colors for thermostats have been fixed in the latest 12.5 version :slight_smile:



See above, there were quite a few fixes for colors in 2022.12.5

Just got a bugreport from a user of my custom integration with an attached debug log that can now be enabled from the integration card.

Does not seem to be mentioned in the release, but very awesome and helpful addition!


was mentioned within the release party stream :slight_smile:

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Ah. The daily core update has arrived. Been waiting for this since yesterday …


Has anyone got any idea why it’s marked as 2022.12.6b0 in the release notes? I’m kind of reluctant to install it, given it looks like a beta?

it’s just a typo Release 2022.12.6 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

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Typo and will be fixed soon: Remove "b0" from 2022.12.6 release notes by spacegaier ¡ Pull Request #25290 ¡ home-assistant/home-assistant.io ¡ GitHub

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My general settings in YAML (for Sweden). Country using standard 2-letter country code

  # Name of the location where Home Assistant is running
  name: Home
  # Location required  to calculate the time the sun rises and sets
  latitude: !secret home_lat
  longitude: !secret home_long
  # Impacts weather/sunrise data (altitude above sea level in meters)
  elevation: 68
  # metric for Metric, imperial for Imperial
  unit_system: metric
  # Pick yours from here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones
  time_zone: Europe/Stockholm
  # Country
  country: SE
  # Currancy
  currency: SEK

Where are the docs for the homeassistant: key?

Here, I think

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I think technically it’s this

But it doesn’t talk about the yaml, just the services it adds. Seems like it would be nice if that was either added or it linked to that information elsewhere

I would like to be able to add template entities through the Helpers page.