2022.12: It does matter!

There is a corresponding “WTH” topic for discussing this; also, you may create a feature request in a corresponding Community section.

I’ve looked for that info before just recently.

Where is that linked to from the main web page?

Getting started → onboarding has the UI version of that info

Yeah, but I’m lookng for the yaml version in that link above.

the UI version docs don’t give a list of all the options so I can’t use that info in my yaml configured “homeassistant:” key to know what’s available.

Documentation-> basic information on the sidebar

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yup, there it is.


Now if my old brain can only remember it next time I need it. :older_man: :laughing:

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I don’t remember either. I always go to the documentation page and cruise the sidebar to navigate


Just updated to latest 2022.12 from 2022.11
history-graph missing show more link, which was opening a dialog where you could query exact datetimes. I was using it quite often. Is it bug?

Anybody know what next month will bring? :slight_smile:

The thermostat cards will actually make your touchscreens feel hot or cold by manipulating the battery discharge.


Probably 2023.1


Followed by several hundred posts saying what an amazing release and it installed perfectly, and an equal number of posts bemoaning how everything is now broken and why isn’t there better QA for this thing.


Sounds about right.

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still working for me…


Link itself is also working just fine.

I mean in history graph card where multiple entities are shown:

It was not a part of history graph card.
It was (and still is) a part of more-info popup.

Ok. Thanks. Maybe I got disoriented somehow :-/

Am I missing something or why does an entity not show any history in the popup but in the „more-info“?
The entity has state_class „measurement“ like others and should generate long-term statistics, strange this one does not work while others do :man_shrugging:

Builds 12.5/6/7 have been really buggy for me, ZHA integration is unresponsive, had to rollback to 12.3.

Did you jump straight back to 12.3 ? I’m having issues with my Sonoff gear (AlexxIT and eWeLink itegrations/add-ons)