2022.12: It does matter!

I have no idea, but the latest releases (12.8 and 12.9) seems to have resolved the issues for me.

If you are using an original ZBridge connected via WLAN, your problems are likely deeper than 2022.12.*:

Mine didn’t last longer than a week before needing a hardware reset and binding restart, and the ZHA docs suggest the ZBridge Pro likely has the same design issue - which could explain closed issues.

No problem here with my one, although I am running 2023.1 beta, so there may be a fix included, but I can’t see anything in the source that (on my quick) glance seems to be relevant.

No worries nick, thanks for checking anyhow. Do you by any chance know what the error message I pasted is pointing to? I can’t understand what the issue is even to start to find out.

Thank you for pointing this out my bad

It does matter … And now Matter disappeared?

Still being worked on, waiting for products to hit the market.

Did you manage to add any sensor? I tried but the integration doesn’t work

Yes i did, first try if you can “see” the sensor using the senserion app MyAmbience.
If thats the case u should have now problems adding it to homeassistant.
Config → Intergrations → add Senserion BLE
If you can not “see” the sensor there’s someting wrong with the sensor.

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Captură de ecran din 2023-02-16 la 16.44.46|231x500
Sorry for the delay
I have 4 sensors, 2 with old firmware and two with updated firmware that I don’t see in home assistant
I loaded a demo firmware (arduino ide - ) into a wemos lolin lite and it is detected by both the app and the home assistant

Best thing to do is file an issue at the github page.
By the way do you know this project?
It’s ment for diy but could also solve your problems because you can also connect throug mqtt.

I built sensors for a company that wanted to give employees more details about air quality in offices. The sensors send data to the mobile application, and in parallel it sends the measurements to a database. the collected data is processed and distributed in a web application for company management