2022.2: Let's start streamlining!

Thanks Tom!

Hard to tell from the docs what the difference is between button and input_button? Or when we would use one or the other?

yes correct. legacy.
as mentioned. all other zwave works. just not lights. previous stable version works.
also (and I realize you are not a github bug report, but wanted to mention it for anyone else searching)
restart server from the UI doesn’t work.
I have to manually stop/start or restart from the cli

I’d like to say that this update is awesome, and my gui seems way faster - although that is by no means scientific, just an impression.

Also restarts seem faster.

The template button has service(s) associated with it. The input_button does not. You have to monitor the input_button yourself, like with an automation trigger.

Use an input_button when you want to trigger an automation.

Use a template button when you want a service or services started with the button. Scripts are services.


I was seeing people on Reddit have similar issues

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Saw the same thing for a Jasco dimmer switch. Rolling back to 2021.12 brought it back just fine.

I also rolled back. I probably need to bite the bullet and convert to ZwaveJS, but I hadn’t gotten around to it. I wasn’t sure how much manual reconfiguration I’d have to do after running the migration script.

Does Tuya now have the power consumption working?

I have to agree with the others concerning removal of the Works With Nest API integration. This will lead to loss of functionality with a lot of popular home automation products. In my case, it will break all automations related to my Nest Protects which improve my familie’s safety.

I would also like for someone on the inside to come explain why a working API with no satisfactory replacement is being removed from HA.


see this post: Legacy Nest - #7 by allenporter


I’m holding off, too.

I did not upgrade Tasmota on my devices, I changed the autodiscovery messages with a script. A lot less work.

The old one I had in case I had to recover them (only the first shown)

      - service: mqtt.publish
          retain: true
          topic: homeassistant/light/689626_LI_1/config
          payload: '{"name":"lichtbovenkleineslaapkamer","cmd_t":"~cmnd/POWER","stat_t":"~tele/STATE","val_tpl":"{{value_json.POWER}}","pl_off":"OFF","pl_on":"ON","avty_t":"~tele/LWT","pl_avail":"Online","pl_not_avail":"Offline","uniq_id":"689626_LI_1","device":{"identifiers":["689626"]},"~":"lichtbovenkleineslaapkamer/"}'

The new one:

      - service: mqtt.publish
          retain: true
          topic: homeassistant/light/689626_LI_1/config
          payload: '{"name":"lichtbovenkleineslaapkamer","cmd_t":"~cmnd/POWER","stat_t":"~tele/STATE",stat_val_tpl":"{% raw %}{{value_json.POWER}}{% endraw %}","pl_off":"OFF","pl_on":"ON","avty_t":"~tele/LWT","pl_avail":"Online","pl_not_avail":"Offline","uniq_id":"689626_LI_1","device":{"identifiers":["689626"]},"~":"lichtbovenkleineslaapkamer/"}'

Thanks, hadn’t seen that one. Hopefully someone takes over maintenance (I certainly don’t have the required skills). I might try to copy the code to my custom component folder and hope for the best…

Hi all,

Why is the old NEST deprecated???
Smoke sensors are not supported in the new intergration… It doesn’t make sense to stop the old intergration then?


See Legacy Nest - #7 by allenporter


I’ve found my two amcrest cameras have timed out a few times (but not every time) during a restart. When they timeout, the only option is to restart again and hope they connect.

So maybe add Check configuration and Restart Core to this new Check update menu?

Welcome to new streamlining experience, thanks to all developers who made it happen, worried and scared to update :slight_smile:

As a genuine question, why remove the default_config: directive at all? Seems like everything can be overridden even with it?

how to fix error for device_tracker:

2022-02-03 09:13:59 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Error during setup of component device_tracker
