2022.2: Let's start streamlining!

Hi ,

After this HA update , I have the following errors in the log :slight_smile:

Logger: homeassistant.helpers.frame
Source: helpers/frame.py:74
First occurred: February 3, 2022, 12:04:18 AM (10 occurrences)
Last logged: February 3, 2022, 12:04:21 AM

Detected code that uses str (diagnostic) for entity category. This is deprecated and will stop working in Home Assistant 2022.4, it should be updated to use EntityCategory instead. Please report this issue.
Detected code that uses str (config) for entity category. This is deprecated and will stop working in Home Assistant 2022.4, it should be updated to use EntityCategory instead. Please report this issue.

What i have to do about this ?


For anyone having trouble with the Energy Dashboard after the update, here seems to be the solution.
Will now also test whether it works again afterwards.

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No problem with my update

Is there a dedicated thread about moving integrations to UI?
I dislike a trend of replacing yaml-config by UI-config.
IMHO adding a UI-config should not mean a disabling of yaml-config.
The latest HA moved a Version integration to UI; with yaml I could use a “scan_interval” , now I cannot.
This is a small example of “UI has less opportunities than yaml”, there are many of them with other integrations.

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That ship has sailed my friend. It’s up to the maintainer of the integration to keep yaml or not when transitioning to the UI. It’s part of the ADRs.



have you found a solution to this mine is the same. it runs fine from the command line

I recommend you or @c1c3r0 create support thread in configuration for this.

This is the way.


Have you fixed or located this problem? I have this as well. Like 75 times sometimes.

I have managed to solve it with a bit different approach: windows subsystem for linux - Auto starting home assistant in WSL2 - Super User

Decision is done and dusted a long time ago, it isnt going to change so any posting about it will just be noise and wont do anything. Suggestion, move on


Yes just add diagnostics to your config. I also opened a ticket to silence it when we don’t have it enabled and they fixed that. Which should be in one of the next releases.

Have the same issue with scan_interval.

Guys, is there an issue with 2022.0.2 , the google assistant component now gives an 404 not found, so cant link the app again, if i go to :

i get 404 , while it should be 405

when i revert back to 2021.12.10 , everything works as expected?

You and @Ildar_Gabdullin can turn off polling on the integration, then make an automation that polls the entity in question at a defined period using homeassistant.update_entity.

    - platform: time_pattern
      seconds: "/30"
    - service: homeassistant.update_entity
        - list
        - out
        - entities

That’s an interesting idea. Thanks I’ll give that a try. Still kinda annoying though lol. But should work.

I think is a more elegant solution than before, this way you can have one automation for all those that require scan_intervals all polling at the same time or different ones at different time.

I like a release for cleaning up and streamlining. There has been a lot of talk about breaking changes, this time, while none of it affects me. Would it be an idea to have a “info” button besides the upgrade-button, which informs about changes in your installed integrations? Or even better, changes in entities/syntax that is in your particular install? I know there is a integration that checks if you can install the newest version, maybe I am not using it right, but i dont feel it catches things like this all that well.

Then the entity will be updated with my defined frequency + some default unknown & uncontrollable frequency.