2022.3.0 MQTT does not work with client certificates

I have been using a client certificate to connect to my Mosquitto MQTT broker for some time.
My configuration.yaml has had

  broker: mosquitto.host
  port: 8883
  client_id: home_assistant
  certificate: '/config/root.ca.pem'
  discovery: true
  discovery_prefix: homeassistant
  client_key: '/config/ha_mqtt.key.pem'
  client_cert: '/config/ha_mqtt.cert.pem'
  tls_insecure: false

and all has been fine. I now see that the connection details (broker/port) are deprecated and I should set this up via the integration.

Trying to do this just says unable to connect and I can never get past that first step in the config.

I have tried setting just the TLS settings in the yaml file (client and sever) and this does then get picked up as needing configuration but again it fails when I enter a host / port (but no username / password)

And going back to the old yaml setup is no longer picking it up so I am stuck without my MQTT broker which is used by most of the my entities

In case anyone does come looking.
This is now fixed (2022.3.0 MQTT does not work with client certificates · Issue #67539 · home-assistant/core · GitHub)
I had to

  1. remove all but the TLS settings from my configuration.yaml
  2. restart HA
  3. delete existing configuration.yaml MQTT intergration
  4. add new MQTT integration
  5. set broker / port

Then it started to discover entities and after a few minutes they were all back.