2022.5 and ZHA failing

Upgrade from 2022.4 to 2022.5 went just fine, everything loaded and runs… except ZHA. All it says is “Failed to Load, see logs”. There is nothing in the logs. ZHA just seems hung somewhere.
Pi3b+, Conbee II stick.

Yes, I waited an hour for it to load or at least time out… nothing.
Hard rebooted… same.
Powered down and rebooted… same.
Backloaded to 2022.4 and all is well.

Any ideas, thoughts, similar, solutions?
Help please.

I saw the same thing my first update attempt, but I was battling a zwave issue, so my focus was on that.

If I’m not mistaken, the second attempted update also produced the same results, but after what seemed like 10 minutes it started working.

On subsequent restarts the integration was back to the usual start up speed.

I’ll give it another shot later tonight… just before I hit the bed… so I won’t watch it… and maybe 6 hours later everything will be hunky dory. Thanks.

I’ll let ya know tomorrow. :slight_smile:

I have exactly the same problem and my world turns upside down. I barely don’t have wi-fi devices. Everything is based on ZHA. Can someone please help?
Thanks in advance.

I am running 2022.4.7 now after 2022.5.x consistently hangs. It appears the developers are aware of it and I will remain at this version until I have heard the issue has been resolved.