[2022.5] Media Entity not found

I found all the local media resources in my scripts become unavailable after upgrading to 2022.5.
When I click “Media” tag from left side menu, the page shows “Entity not found”.

I found the following log may relate to the issue :slight_smile:

2022-05-06 21:59:15 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.websocket_api.http.connection] [139763599046304] Received invalid command: media_player/browse_media

Any direction to have the problem fixed?

I’m also getting ‘entity not found’ under the media section after upgrading to 2022.5.2 (from 2022.4.7), but I’m not seeing anything in my logs about it.

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Same issue for me. Searching why

On my second ha instance which don’t have google assistant, it’s fine.

If you click on the right icon to cast, browser, it’s appear

I found why my local music is not playing. The local path should begin with “//” in new version HA (2022.5) and old version support “/
The code below works for new version (2022.5) HA

service: media_player.play_media
  entity_id: media_player.my_homepod
  media_content_id: //media/audio/be_happy_5s.mp3
  media_content_type: audio/mp3

The Entity not found issue should be something like browser caching problem. As I can visit this page from iOS or Android apps, but not chrome browser. After clear the application cache from browser, the Media page has no problem anymore.


Thanks for the tip! I did try the page in another browser and it worked… it also went to a different URL which I pasted back in my main browser and it all works now. Weird.

Same problem in the app with 2023.6/7
Logging ha-user off and on again solved the problem!


I also experienced the same issue with 2023.8.3
As ptrrtpptr mentioned: Logging ha-user off and on again solved the problem!


awesome… it works … media is now available