2022.5: Streamlining settings

Way up the posts, I asked (I don’t think I complained) where the Check Config went. Could it be that UI changes aren’t described well? (I noticed that others asked the same question later).

But, since the check config and other things that moved are services, then one could simply create a page on the front-end with a button for homeassistant.check_config.

They were described well enough I think. It’s not like the HA UI is so massive that it would take long to find it anyway.

Exactly right.

Or the side menu.

I’m not complaining by any means. Change is good. I am just pointing out some design points What you have done is essentially created a bookmark to a sub item. If you are going to do that why not make the border into a bookmarks area and let users pin their own shortcuts ? THEN it makes sense, it becomes just the default shortcut. Or if it is so important that it deservres to be there on its own, you need to higlight it more, in way independant of themes - like maybe put it in a frame like the ‘Done’ button when editing a dashboard. Plus, the fact that it is there doesn’t mean ti shouldn’t be addes vua the menu, a certain amount of redundancy in UI design is good, people .
Don’t misunderstand, not complainig by any means, but I have been working with UI design for over 20 years, and it is not easy from a design standpoint.

Sorry, I meant AC as in Air conditioning. I don’t have way of physically detecting the state.

Yes, you could consider them as states / attributes of the ‘variables’ integration. An instance of the ‘variable’ integration / platform, with a type attribute ‘boolean’ boolean would be something like an optimistic switch with an assumed state, that is not connected to any physical device, but just has an off state. I suppose I could have done it like that, but it’s not really a ‘switch’ in the usual sense.
I mean HA is literally a state machine, it seems a bit odd that I can’t somply define my own read / write state suing the interface, to keep track of things.

Yes, i thought it got electricity via a plug-in cable, pretty common here, that AC’s are single / detached Devices, thou even if they were not, i.e. Got it’s electricity through a build-in-the wall Box, one can attached a small cheap build-in power-sensor, which can handle from 2.4kW- to 3.6kW, or more

True, thou before you editing any Dashboard, and actually in most, “Settings-Pages”, and other various places, there are a common strategy of placing either 3-small dots( you found them i believe), and other small “icons” / extra-menu buttons, in the Right Corner, better get use to that (let your eye-ball roll-up to the right , Not only a “strategy” from Ha, Various Browsers have for ages totally abandoned “Top-menu-bars” , and “hided” all settings and extra feature in a small tiny “link” in the top right Corner of the browsers …
Thou personally i have “clicked” back my old-habbit “Topmenu” in my browsers … Ages ago, and i still have to do it with every re-installation. Somehow i think you have figured out that 3 small dots(or other small text/icons) in top-right corner means something, not that they ended there by some code-miss.

Hello Everyone,

The version: 2022.5.5 is now out and i cannot update to it. I am running Home assistant on a virtual machine on windows on version 2022.5.4 and while it shows that there is a new version available it when i click it, it creates a backup and it hangs there showing again that the new version is available.

I cannot find anything out of the ordinary in the logs. Did anyone face this as well?


Tried Empty your cache and reload browser ?

Hi, thanks for quick reply.

I didn’t think of it before but i have tried it now. I cleared all the browsing data, and restarted the browser but it still seems that it is not updating:


it says that it is installing and then it just stops. It does not even restart as usual.

Edit: i also restarted the system where the virtual machine is running

Have you tried

ha core update

yeah thanks Tom, those redirects are pretty useful, for customized direct entries to what you do most.

Having said that, and on the next dev (so 2022.6) frontend, not sure if already in 2022.5.5, the move of the Yaml tab to the first one in dev tools is very helpful. Makes that load without delay on those big installs, and has the check config button on it :wink:

Took out the panel-redirects for server controls and template out again. In fact of the older longer list, I only still use the /config/logs redirect. which is nice to have next to the log Viewer add-on

Which btw is a must have, even though we should actually be doing ha core check because it catches more issues. People sometimes say the check is done when you click Restart, but hey, that restarts the system too… and most of the time we don’t want to check the config, not restart.

I do miss the nifty animations on those buttons, and the feedback on Restart ‘Are you sure’ popup is none, so if you click it, you’re in the dark whether it was actually clicked.

Other than that, I am finding my way in the new layout, missing very few grander overviews (the old supervisor panel) but loving the new detailed info in the system/health tabs eg.

omg, it has been done. Another additional click. This time to go to “states” (if you don’t have a personal re-direct). But as soon developer tools will be hidden in settings, I need it anyway.

You were literally the only person against the change. Sorry, you got overruled by the overwhelming complaints about the states page loading delay from the community.


Ok, it ones happened to me, but then(in my case) i checked in a browser on the HOST machine, and there it showed it was updated, so after i rebooted the Device i was Viewing/ and installed it from ( and cleared even cookies), it turned up as updated … But sounds like yours don’t actually update :frowning:

The state page loading time is not solved this way, Petro. It is still there, isn’t it? Or are there the improvements, like show iniitlal no entities/states and only by typing anything in search/filter? This would be a/the big improvment with regards to initial load performance. And with this, the page would not have to be another click away.


The delay is still there. The state machine has to be loaded for the states table, on slow machines, that will be slow no matter what. This is a compromise. Sorry, but you’ll have to deal with it. You were outnumbered. You’ve stated in the past that the voice of the community should matter, should it not? Even when it’s something you don’t want?

And just so you understand because I know this will be an argument like usual…

The page that you click on is persistent. So if you load into the dev tool states page, then click to another sidebar item, and back to the dev tools page, the states tab will still be selected. The extra click is only when you first open a new browser page to your instance.

Yes of course. It should. And even if it’s somehting, I dont’t want. Of course and fullstop. I don’t judge with different views.

BUT hiding a problem is not solving the problem. You said, there were complains against states page loading delay. There complains are now 1:1 valid. That’s the only think I wanted to mention.

And BTW I suggested to save the last opened view on user and not session level already. This would help everyone I think.