2022.5: Streamlining settings

The complaints were not about the states page being slow. It was that they couldn’t get to the YAML page fast. Which is because the states page was selected first.

got to be fair on that, there were already complains/requests for optimization of the dev tools…

the suggestions was taken, but the core issue is still there.

As a matter of fact, I do believe it is getting to the entities /config/entities page now too, which until recently was super immediate (and still is by means of comparison). Just noticed it the last couple of days when having an inspector window open on those pages…(entities/helpers).
Could also be because of an open issue.

It’s definitely the slowest part of HASS even if it only takes 1-5 seconds at times, every other page is instant.

I don’t really see why we load all of the states into the table instead of just have it blank until you search for something as @arganto said - it’s never been useful for me until i search for something, there’s simply too many to look at

If this is the case, then It is unlikely to be the core release that is at fault. More likely you had an invalid config and any restart would have borked it.

Open a support topic. Post your supervisor logs.

If you can restore a backup, you can access logs. It’s a simple file system. How are you restoring the backup?

Sorry I don’t read Spanish.

What do you see when you visit <ha_ip_address>:4357

You’re showing a screenshot of you restoring a backup from the UI. Which means UI works? I don’t get it. What actually isn’t working?

This sounds like an addon or something, don’t use this right now. Just go to logs. Honestly this addon/component/whatever is probably pointless now, all logs have been consolidated into one page in the product now. Which was its entire purpose of most of the custom components and addons with similar names to that.

Don’t know what this means. What is “services”?

Separate thing entirely. Just go to HA via IP address in your network. SSL management is a whole mess of problems, most of which have nothing to do with HA. Eliminate that from your issues for the moment by not using it until everything else is fixed.

I invite you to join the testing team. It was very stable beta release for me and most of the other small team of testers. ‘Small’ being the operative word here. We are all volunteers. The more testers we have the more likely we are to catch obscure issues.

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Do you have SSH access set up? If so you can get to the logs that way. ha su logs for supervisor logs, ha core logs for core or ha addons logs <addon slug> for logs of a particular addon.

Although in this case I would probably recommend opening developer tools in your browser and looking at the console. It seems like frontend may be having trouble doing things it should be able to do and there may be useful information in there. How you get to developer tools depends on your browser but it should be in the settings menu, may have to search for instructions for your browser.

I actually thought i had joined, after 2022.4 ( my first “video” update session ), but first realize at 2022.5 that i apparently didn’t came further than finding out where, and thinking about it :slight_smile: , thx for reminding, and find and hit the button, if not for “practice” then just for a reason to express my opinion :slight_smile: , in a civilized matter

Edit: now i remember why i didn’t before , i had to “clear” some space, on disks, to store backups of the entire VMware folder, thou this is done, and i just signed up … not that i think i can contribute with much, as my installation still is quite basic. And not had have major issues with the updates, and the minor was fixed within days, so im still convinced the Dev guys working hard to please the “demands” and feature requests, actually im really impressed about the how much have been fixed and added past 7 month

Most of your problems sound related to your addons, you can’t expect the Hass team to test and develop third party addons

Hey @tom_l, not trying to hijack the thread, but how would one go about joining the testing team? i think i would like to try and contribute back to the community.

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Thanks for your help. I reverted to an old backup of the entire virtual machine (import appliance) and the update completed successfully.

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No it isn’t

No it doesn’t.

Just think, you seem to be the only one with this issue. So do you think

  • no one else noticed?

  • The devs targetted you?

  • Your system or its configuration is faulty?

I know what I’d put my money on!

Something that i relly disliked is that it keep changing everything’s place all the time! So when i whant to change something in the settings or i want to check something in the settings, i can’t find it because it changed place! It is really boring!
Other bad thing in this release is that the performance has been decreased drastically!

The point updates have slowed down, and it’s a rainy day, so I finally got around to updating to 2022.5 from 2022.4.

The verdict: Very nice!

I haven’t played around with some of the new stuff yet (can’t wait!) but already I’m getting used to the menu changes. They all make sense to me. I was a little worried when I read all the angst here, but everything is easy for me to find and use. I do not say that lightly; I’m the first to criticize stupid “changes for change’s sake.”

I know there have been unexpected issues, but reading this thread, overall it seems like those are fairly isolated, and limited in impact. The kinds of things which are hard to test, since every implementation is different.

I’m sure I’d complain if this version looked like it was going off the rails, so I figured I had an obligation to speak up when it looked good. Thanks to all who contributed!!


This needs correcting in HACS, maybe also in core. Clicking on the Navigate link now opens a blank page.

No, only HACS, which is a third party integration. Take it up with the developer (I’d be surprised if there isn’t already an issue raised).

So just to recap, because I split several replies: I am not talking about Globals. The variables I mean would be like read /write states of the ‘var’ platform. One attribute would be ‘type’ e.g boolean. They would be completely abstracted from the GUI, though you could for example put a variable in an entity card. So an instance of ‘var’ with attribute type == boolean would be almost exactly like the state of ‘optimistic’ switch, but with no device connected.

And you could perhaps use ‘entinty_class’ attribute to create a mutex boolean. What is now an input boolean could just be one of these but with the ID input_boolean.foo instead of var.foo, and the type attribute hidden, end maybe ‘entity_class’ input_boolean. Then finally, yes instead of creating these via devices / helpers, you could have automations / variables.
I spent a while now reading the replies to my original suggestion and thinking how this could be done, and this is what I came up with in the end.

I did take a look at the HACS variables, but it seems cumbersome, you need to edit config files to define variables, it adds a var.set service call, but it seems to use the value in a trigger or condition you still need to use a template.

Thank you to those giving advice for my AC: Regardless of whether I can resolve this particular issue, I was just using it as an example. It doesn’t address the more general use case. But with regard to the specific example I gave: these are “split” AC units, so they are connected to condensers outside which then connect to the fuse box with high VA 3 phase cables. I did try soemthing with ‘smart’ fuse units but the thing broke first time I used it. So not so easy.