2022.5 - Thank you!

So I’ve been using hass for a few months now on core, I just switched over to latest Home Assistant OS on a Pi with a core backup from 2022.4.7 - went pretty seemlessly.

It downgraded my core to 2022.4.7, everything seemed to work so then I pulled the trigger and upgraded. Restarted and and wow the new UI is brilliant, amazing work!

Some things are a shame as I’ve mentioned in other threads (the supervisor system overview panel is missed even though I only saw the old one for a few minutes).

But everything else I’m really impressed with. I still find myself clicking through more times than I’d like to get places but I know how to add custom sidebar links now so will be adding plenty :slight_smile:

Looking forward to switching over to it as my main unit with the next 2022.5 release (got a PR I’m waiting for).

Very impressed with the hassos addons too, already forked my own one for the ArgonOne case :smiley:

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