2022.5 WLED Update Doesn't Complete

After updating to 2022.5, I have this persistent update message to update WLED to the new 0.13.1, but when I click the button to Install, it acts like it’s going to install, then just reverts back and seems like nothing happened.

Does anyone else have this problem?

Any suggestions to fix it other than “skip” it?

I don’t see anything in the logs about the WLED update or failure thereof. My yaml is set to default (which I think is “debug”).



I have the same problem.

I think it might be related to the fact the “wireless OTA” in the WLED settings on the board is disabled. I can’t remember my passphrase to unlock. It’s not the default “wledota”.

Edit: yep that did the trick. You have to disable the lock on the OTA via this.

is there any option to tell HA the OTA password of the WLED in the HA WLED-Integration so we dont have to disable it on WLED-device side? (i know, HA default settings are a security nightmare but it would be nice to at least have some features like OTA password protect not deactivated if i want to use a officially HA integration :wink:

Additionally, I also had to turn on “Enable ArduinoOTA” to get HA firmware updating to work.