In my switch file (all mqtt switches) I had included a group. After I transferred all my mqtt-entities to the file mqtt.yaml Homeassistant can no longer find that group.
I tried putting it in the switch file, I tried putting it in the mqtt file and even in the template file but nothing works.
From what I understand in the documentation I cannot just put it unter the tag group.
Any advice here?
Well, it looks to me buggy also. I have lot of manually configured binary sensors and sensors, so I will wait a little bit before I start to change my configuration.
The reason was in my point of yiew, that the check and reloads has been moved last release from system to developer tools.
â complains from the user, that a. it is at a new position and b. for those, who are using this (and not other parts of developer tools that often), thay a. have to click once more to go to another tab and b. habe to wait until first tab is loaded.
Only to mitigate this, now the recently new page has been moved to first place.
No benefit for those, who want to use developer tools for letâs say 90% state checks and manipulations as before.
And yes, it is remembered, but only per browser session, but not for the user. This is, what I still would propose. Then everyone is happy/happier than currently.
Whole story about manually configured MQTT sensors is step back from my point of view.
Just al little bit different yaml format, but loosed ability to reload without restart.
So what do we do if init is automatically being set in the entrypoint on portainer?
What ever I do to remove it, when I create the container it will be there.