Reading into the upcoming change (2022.6) and noticed a change to the Recorder function.
I just want to refer to my old thread as I was curious if I could run InfluxDB to record the data (as I am doing now) and also have the MS SQL as a recorder too?
With my previous thread, I got this working, I was logging data to BOTH InfluxDB and MS SQL DB
# Send statistics to InfluxDB
host: localhost
# Send statistics to MS SQL
db_url: mssql+pyodbc://USERNAME:PASSWORD@MS-SQL-IP-ADDRESS/HomeAssistant?charset=utf8;DRIVER={FreeTDS};Port=1433;
As I was unsure if it would cause any issues, I commented out the MS SQL recorder a while ago (but it was submitting data to both databases)
Questions I have is:
- Should the above config work? Would it cause errors?
- Post 2022.6 - will this still work? Will it cause errors?