2022.6 release Somfy switch to Overkiz and local access - what am I missing?

Somfy introduced local api support for Tahoma and is closing their web API soon. As a consequence, the 2022.6 release notes ask us switch to Overkiz by Somfy (which I was already using by the way). The deprecated Somfy intregration claims Overkiz will support the new local API. But the Overkiz integration is listed as a Cloud integration, and does not mention the new local API. It does have a way to use local support through Homekit, but I don’t have/use Homekit controller nor do I think that uses the new local Somfy API.

I was hoping/expecting for an integration using the newly introduced local API on the Tahoma box, but that does not seem to exist (yet?). What am I missing here? Was I mistaking that there would be a new local integration, or is it still in the works? Or did the integration automagically switch and is the documentation old? Or did I just plain misunderstand what is being closed down by Somfy?

And if it is Homekit Controller we’re supposed to use, I’m still confused. I can use a homekit pin from the Overkiz intrgration, but the Overkiz integration is setup through cloud. will that mean I get everything twice? And Somfy also claims Tahoma is Homekit compatible, so why would I need Overkiz then, if the Tahoma box cal also connect to the Homekit controller by itself? Or is that because RTS is not supported though Homekit, and does Overkiz supply RTS devices as well?

I’m getting a bit nervous as support is ending in a few weeks and I have a quite a few Somfy devices and automations.

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I found the github issue for the local API still open, so I’m getting more worried now. The original integration is deprecated and pointing to a different integration that has no solution yet…

Just got confirmation through github that the Somfy API and the Overkiz one are different. Local access is sweet, but not required to keep working when the Somfy API goes down :smile:

Meaning? Overkiz is a cloud API and will remain functional?

It remains misleading that the 2022.6 release blog refers to a local API and then links to a different cloud API… just saying.