2022.7: A stunning performance

My numbers on ODROID NUC…
From Restart to Home Assistant is Ready: 1m 40s

would be nice if that was true. But,the logging tells me something else:
2022-07-18 07:08:11 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup of input_number is taking over 10 seconds.

2022-07-18 07:08:11 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup of input_boolean is taking over 10 seconds.

2022-07-18 07:08:11 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup of input_datetime is taking over 10 seconds.

2022-07-18 07:08:11 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup of input_button is taking over 10 seconds.

2022-07-18 07:08:11 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup of input_select is taking over 10 seconds.

2022-07-18 07:08:11 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup of zone is taking over 10 seconds.

2022-07-18 07:08:11 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.light] Setup of light platform switch_as_x is taking over 10 seconds.

2022-07-18 07:08:11 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.light] Setup of light platform switch_as_x is taking over 10 seconds.

BrenTreck - Did you ever get this figured out? Having the same issue and found your post but didn’t see any resolution. Thanks

‘<’ not supported between instances of ‘BinarySensorEntityDescription’ and ‘BinarySensorEntityDescription’

Time it. Restart and watch the time with a stopwatch. It will be the duration of whatever the last item is on your list. The warning is just a warning. I have them ignored. On my NUC, a restart takes about 40 seconds because one integration takes 30 seconds.

How do you ignore those warnings? Would be great to clean up the logs a bit.

1 minute 35 seconds

Any one else noticed that using a Sonos TTS script in an automation is broken? I use this when someone presses the Ring Doorbell.

delay: ‘00:00:02’
message: Er staat iemand voor de deur. Doe open!
sonos_entity: media_player.keuken, media_player.badkamer, media_player.woonkamer
volume: 0.3

In 2022.7 it only plays 'Er staat iemand voor de deur’.

Great stuff :slight_smile: Thanks for adding the FR, it may save some people a lot of confusion if they did what I did…

When I first tried to split my config I went for room based folders

  • room1
    • sensors.yaml
    • automations.yaml
  • room2
    • sensors.yaml
    • automations.yaml

I ended up with config for one of the rooms (first or last I cannot recall)

Just FYI: pySwitchmate has been updated to the Bleak stack:


Is there any way I can update this manually in my current build?

With 2022,7 the unofficial free@home integration for the Busch Jaeger system stopped working. Had to roll back. Apparently because libsodium was removed. Is it possible to include that again?
As there is no easy solution to get it working again.
And manually installing the library doesn’t seem to work either.

The Busch Jaeger system is not widespread but in Holland it was/is used by a big building company.


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You could try this addOn, if you’re running HA-OS:

Installs via the official development store (add this repository):


@Stefan_U @dbrunt are you both timing it from container start or from when you click the button? The container will take some time to boot as well. Regardless, HA’s restart from boot up is the largest number you see in the list. They are not additive. Also, first update or first install will be longer because it needs to update/install new dependencies.

The improvements in this version only from home assistant start and beyond. It does not impact the container starting. If you downgrade to 2022.6.x and then look at the start up and compare it to 2022.7.x, then you’ll see the differences. You’ll see the largest improvements with YAML integrations as well.

my HA is in dutch, so I try to translate…
Click “configuration”, then, “system” and then, in the right corner “Restart”…
So, it’s not a complete restart…

I am SO spoiled with my NUC i3: 33 seconds by stopwatch.

It’s a restart of the container. The first line in the logs is when HA has actually came alive.

and when did you start your stopwatch?
Looking at the amount of seconds per integration, they are much lower than mine.
I was already thinking about buying a nuc… So, an I3 gives results like this? Are you running Hassos, or are you running in proxmox or something else?

I am running HAOS using the generic-x86-64 image

Home Assistant 2022.7.5
Supervisor 2022.07.0
Operating System 8.2
Frontend 20220707.1 - latest

I avoid containers because I don’t need the added complexity.
Node Red deploys usually in two or three seconds.

I start the stopwatch when I verify the restart, and stop it when the progress message says “Home Assistant started”

You’re running containers. Hassos runs home assistant in a container.

I know that, but I am not running or managing it.

I’m more and more interested in buying a nuc.