This stops working in version 2022.11.0. Please address before upgrading.
Configuring Pushover using YAML is being removed.
Your manually configured MQTT sensor(s) needs attention
This stops working in version 2022.12.0. Please address before upgrading.
Reading the warnings it feels like Home Assistant wants to remove the configuration by YAML files on the long run and replace everything by configuring in the UI.
This makes me really sad and does not fit my use case of Home Assistant at all.
I am running Home Assistant by docker and configure most of the things by YAML files.
This means I can do cool stuff like defining the pushover API Keys in docker-compose env file and forward it to all the services which require the key.
Additionally I can use git to backup the configuration of all my services and it is a matter of minutes to completely redeploy my wholle smarthome landscape (there are many more pro arguments).
In the pushover case I cannot even find the options to modify the API key by UI.
Is my feeling right? Is Home assistant slowly deprecating all the yaml configrations?
This feels like I am losing the control about my configuration management and would make me kind of sad.
I’ve restarted HA, but after restarting I still see:
2022-10-03 12:34:30.705 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.mqtt.mixins] Manually configured MQTT switch(s) found under platform key 'switch', please move to the mqtt integration key, see
2022-10-03 12:34:31.904 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.mqtt.mixins] Manually configured MQTT sensor(s) found under platform key 'sensor', please move to the mqtt integration key, see
I expected this message and the UI notification to disappear once I changed the yaml configuration but these messages remain. I now do not know whether my changes have been done correctly.
I have 3 items in my current sensor.yaml which I do not know how to move them to mqtt.yaml. The following three do not have names. Any help would be appreciated.
This might be the cace with time and dark sky but my Garadget garage door status uses mqtt to communicate with Home Assistant. I have tried to delete that option out of my sensor.yaml and the status of my garage door no longer appears in home assistant.