2023.1: Happy New Year of the voice!

installed this morning and approuved !

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Question for the Google assistant SDK.

When I send a notification, the speaker is playing "Incoming broadcast, it says : " and only then my message.

As my speaker talks French, it says it with a nice and funny French accent. Is there a way to avoid this “incoming broadcast, it says” ?

I mean in theory it’s not, an integration author could implement a similar option in yaml I’m sure. But I doubt that would pass review. Since the response would likely be “just have the integration create a config entry and you get that feature for free, don’t reinvent the wheel”.

That being said command line in particular has two other issues:

  1. It uses a legacy style config. Instead of having all config under the integration key (command_line) it has it under the type of things it creates (sensor, binary_sensor, etc) with platform: command_line. This means currently there is no place to put integration wide settings like disabling the polling interval. It would have to be changed like mqtt and template were first. Or made UI configurable.

  2. Disabling polling is at the config entry level. Which means it’s either on or off for everything under that config entry. This means if all command line entities were in one config entry (like how it works for mqtt) polling would be either on or off for all of them. Which works but doesn’t seem ideal. It would probably be better if there was a way to break up command line entities into multiple config entries, each independently controllable

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no thats something added by google, you should send feedback to google through the device to tell them to remove that.

Rest does this IIRC as the platform and integration co-exist.

I got mine to work by making sure the app is published instead of in testing mode.

also set the redirect URI to the web address below:


Many too many bad vibes concerning this update based on many of the comments above. I will wait another one or two. My system is working great and no need to update. It seems to me that these updates should go through longer testing prior to release.


Yeah, that’s what I thought. I also have a docker installation. That directory is empty. Even the new one I made just before I made my last post is not there.

Something weird is going on since this update, and I can’t even rollback as my backups are gone.

Perfect update for me, no issues. Great work as always team and Happy New Year!

Would be nice to see an update_entity automation created for the end-user that honours the pre-existing update frequency as a component of the deprecation - if the deprecation is because there is a “better way to do it” - why not create that better way to do it as part of the migration?


Yes, see Application Credentials - Home Assistant for more context on application credentials.

Update has been working fine for me on two separate installations.

One is supervised on an rpi4b and the other is HAOS running as virtualbox VM on a NUC.

I have a little problem with colors in the new version (2023.1.1) The previous version (2022.12.9) everything works fine.



      - type: horizontal-stack
          - type: tile
            entity: sensor.146235046500478_outdoor_temperature
            icon: mdi:thermometer
                .icon-container .icon$: |
                  .shape { 
                    border-radius: 20px !important;
                      {% if states('sensor.146235046500478_outdoor_temperature') | int < 12 %} mdi:thermometer-low
                      {% elif states('sensor.146235046500478_outdoor_temperature') | int <= 28 %} mdi:thermometer
                      {% elif states('sensor.146235046500478_outdoor_temperature') | int > 28 %} mdi:thermometer-high
                      {% else %}
                      {% endif %} !important;
                      {% if states('sensor.146235046500478_outdoor_temperature') | int < 12 %} rgba(33,150,243,1)
                      {% elif states('sensor.146235046500478_outdoor_temperature') | int <= 28 %} rgba(76,175,80,1)
                      {% elif states('sensor.146235046500478_outdoor_temperature') | int > 28 %} rgba(244,67,54,1)
                      {% else %}
                      {% endif %} !important;
                      {% if states('sensor.146235046500478_outdoor_temperature') | int < 12 %} rgba(211,234,253,1)
                      {% elif states('sensor.146235046500478_outdoor_temperature') | int <= 28 %} rgba(219,239,220,1)
                      {% elif states('sensor.146235046500478_outdoor_temperature') | int > 28 %} rgba(253,217,215,1)
                      {% else %}
                      {% endif %} !important;
            name: Kinti hƑmĂ©rsĂ©klet

I solved using this as redirect URI: https://url_of_my_HA_istance:port/auth/external/callback

EDIT: and also adding the integration while connecting from the external url (https://url_of_my_HA_istance:port)

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It would help if more people would join the beta testing. I do that myself too. It’s fun to do, you’re involved in the conversations about innovation, and you give something back to the community.
I’d like to invite everyone to join. Just don’t forget to make backups first.


thought the Ikea Tradfri issue in Beta was only a hiccup, but since then (it was not seen to), it keeps throwing huge amounts of errors.
filed Tradfri light, various frequent errors: KeyError: '3311', NoneType' object does not support item assignment · Issue #85254 · home-assistant/core · GitHub and noticed some other issues were also live.

How come this didnt yet yield some extra noise here?

I’d like to use the Google Assistant SDK, but I get the following error while configuring it: ‘No application_credentials platform for google_assistant_sdk’. It doesn’t matter what my input is, so I think it’t Home Assistant related. Am I missing something?

Update Was the same issue as this one: Application Credentials integration: modules for the various integrations not installed · Issue #85353 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

That’s circular logic, Nick.

So far you have only managed to repeat what others have said, while somehow missing the point of the discussion. So I think I will be fine without your wisdom.

Thanks for stating the obvious, nothing new here. But the reason for the change is not in the changelog, or in the PR.

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You are bordering on offensive.

It is an architecture decision (but doesn’t seem to be in an ADR).

The precise reasoning is hard to find. But the advantages are well defined and cogent.

In the meantime we await your apology to @parautenbach , who is a responsible and helpful member, who tried to help you.